[Sweet Talk With a Hint of Sin]

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"I was born with the devil in me. I could not help the fact that I was a murderer, no more than the poet can help the inspiration to sing..I was born with the evil one standing as my sponsor beside the bed where I was ushered into the world, and he has been with me since." - H.H Holmes (one of the first documented serial killers who had a possibility of 200 victims .1861-1896.)


My story starts out just like everyone else's. Mum and Daddy and little Frankie all living happily together in the great state of New Jersey. That's where the normalcy ends. One day, Mum brings little Frankie home from school and there's a strange man sitting on the couch smoking a cigar. Mum starts to shake, but tells little Frankie that everything will be okay. She grabs the phone and calls daddy, but he doesn't answer. She doesn't know this, but daddy sat little Frankie down and told him what to do if there was ever trouble. So, little Frankie goes into the kitchen and grabs daddy's gun from the drawer. He hears mum screaming and begging for the man to just leave them alone. Little Frankie walks out from the kitchen to see the man with his fingers wrapped around mum's throat. Mum's eyes widen when she sees little Frankie with the gun. She tries to scream 'no', but her voice is all scratchy and hoarse. The man turns around and looks at little Frankie and laughs. He laughs. But little Frankie just grips the gun tight like daddy told him, making sure his hands are out of the way of the hammer, and plants his feet in the carpet. He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, and when all the air is gone from his lungs, he looks the man in his eyes and he smiles. He grins from ear to ear, his eyes even light up, and then he pulls the trigger. There's an ear-splitting bang, but little Frankie's eyes never close. Everything starts to move in slow motion after that. He watches as a small red circle appears on the man's forehead. Watches as his knees buckle and he falls to the floor, but not before he watches the life leave that man's eyes. Little Frankie just stands there smiling down on the dead body in front of him as blood begins to seep through the carpet and stain his white Converse. When he finally does look back up, he sees his mother staring at him. She's no longer looking at him like her son, she's looking at him with fear and sheer terror screaming through her eyes. She's looking at him like the monster he is. When all is said and done, I never will forget the proud smile on my father's face that day when no one was looking. To make a long story short, mum finds out what daddy really does for a living and mum leaves daddy and takes little Frankie with her. But see, Mum hates little Frankie now, so mum ships him off to boarding school, so she never has to lay eyes on him again. And that's where little Frankie remains until one day daddy comes to his primary school graduation and takes little Frankie home. Where he belongs.

So, that's how it all began. I shot a man when I was ten and enjoyed the fuck out of it. Lucky for me, that's what I was born to do. My pops came in and saved me from that godawful boarding school and my mother, who was probably planning to kill me in my sleep at some point. Or, at least try to anyways.

So, now we're here.

I walked up to the doors of Vino's, a local family-owned bar which inhabited the bottom floor of our operation, and grabbed the elaborate gold door handles, one in each hand, and flung open the heavy wooden doors. Everyone stopped in their tracks, looking up to see me standing there with my arms straight out at my sides and a huge grin on my face. I let them sit there for a moment and wonder if they were about to be praised or condemned. It was like time just stopped. Beers were still half raised in mid toast, hands still intertwined together in mid shake, food was on the cusp of lips waiting to be devoured. The thrill of power coursed through my body causing a chilling laugh to rip from my throat as I tipped my head back and just laughed, completely overcome by the control I had over all the men in front of me. Here I am, an eighteen year old kid, and I have grown men shaking in their shoes. Though I never wanted the feeling to end, I was here on other business.

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