Chapter 43 ♡

Beginne am Anfang

"Get out of here!" He yelled.

I placed a kiss on Kat's hand, "how are you feeling babe?" I asked her.

"What's going on?" She asked me, obviously concerned.

"He wants me to leave," I replied, "but I'm not going to leave until you're better."

"Zayn," she whispered.

"Zayn!" Mark yelled. He was now towering over me, staring down at me while I paid no attention to him. "Get out of here, now!"

I got up now, standing up to face him. He was a bit taller than me, but not that much. "What the fuck is your problem?"

Cora ran over to our side, grabbing Mark's arm in order to hold him back.

"You're my problem!" He yelled.

"Dad please," Kat croaked, "just leave him alone."

He ignored her, "I'm not joking."

I smiled at him, "it seems like a joke to me."

He grabbed my shirt collar and I heard Kat cry. "This is your last warning, leave now, or else."

I was prepared to fight back. Kat was worth it all and I knew that. I wasn't going to leave her. But everything changed once Kat spoke up.

"Zayn," she whispered, "just get out, there's no use."

I turned to her to see tears forming in her eyes. I felt as if an arrow shot through my heart and left a huge hole. I swallowed the lump in my throat, blinking back the pain I felt from seeing her cry because of me.

"Don't cry, I'm leaving" I said to her. I bent down and placed a soft kiss on her cheek, "I love you."

I looked at her one last time before shoving past Mark and walking out the door.

I had just walked out on my everything, and I wasn't sure if we could figure something out this time.


(Kat's POV)

I shut my eyes, trying to block everything out.

Zayn had just walked out because of me. He had gotten so hurt because of me. It brought me pain to see even a tear in his eye. He had suffered so much for me.

Dad was the reason for my happiness to disappear. He was the reason for all this in the first place. I wouldn't have been in this hospital bed if he hadn't told me to leave Zayn.

"Kat, it's time to go home," I heard Cora whisper.

Tears started falling out of my eyes. Why did I have so many emotions? Couldn't I just be happy and get it over with.

"Kat," Jack's voice echoed through my head.

I shot open my eyes, "what?! What do all of you want?! Can't you just leave me alone?"

"Katrina," dad said sternly, "what has gotten into you?"

I didn't even bother replying to him. He wasn't worth it.

"Kat, it's okay." Carlee tried reassuring me.

But it wasn't. Nothing was okay. I didn't have Zayn with me and I was once again alone. Nobody was here to help me. Nobody was here to hug me and tell me things that would actually make me feel like everything was fine. Zayn wasn't here, and that was the problem.

"We only care about you Kat," Cora said, "that's why we're doing this."

My heart stopped. Care? Did she say that they cared about me? Yeah right, the last thing they did was care about me.

"So you care about me now!" I said loudly, "you care about me when I'm hurt? You care about me when I can't get up physically? What about when I'm actually emotionally hurt, then nobody gives a fuck because I have a smile on my face, right?"

I felt my head beginning to spin, my heart pounding in my chest, and a very familiar feeling coming back to me; insanity.

"Well guess what? I don't need anyone's help. I'm better off alone, falling and falling all over again. At least it's better than someone who will help me up then let me fall!"

I breathed heavily, everyone's eyes on me. I felt a hand on mine and I turned to see Jack staring down at me, "Kat, I'm here, don't worry."

I pulled my hand back, "I don't need your pity."

"That's enough!" I heard Dad demand. "We're going home, now Cora, get her in the car, I'm going to go wait outside."

Dad stormed out of the room, annoyed with my behavior but I could care less. If he thought I was going to be okay with what he just did to Zayn, he was wrong.



Runaway (A Zayn Malik fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt