Say Something

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*Say something, I'm giving up on you
I'll be the one if you want me to
Anywhere I would've followed you
Say something, I'm giving up on you

In the deserted parking garage the sound of motorcycle engines breaks the silence. They echo through the levels until the reach P6, and the police car parked alone in the farthest space. Both bikes stop a few parking spaces away. The police cruiser driver door opens and the Police Chief Althea Jarry steps out. From the bikes it is Chibs who leans his bike against the kickstand first. He nods to Jax, who he has called to 2nd him at this meeting.

He knows that once it's over he will have some explaining to do to the man accompanying him, but he's not ok with any of the other brothers knowing this private detail of his life. After Roosevelt retired the new "Sheriff" rolled into town and directly onto the Teller/Morrow lot, looking hot as hell in that skintight uniform, and barking warnings to the members and the MC to keep their shit out of charming and threatening arrests. Behind the scenes though, on a more direct contact level she knew that in order make things with the club work she had to work with them.

Hiring Unser was one of the first things she made happen and used him to immediately to set up a meet with Chibs. She had read all the files on the Sons of Anarchy, SAMCRO, and all of its infamous members including the more recently jailed Gemma Teller-Morrow, and Jackson Teller. Unser filled her in on the details of the deal Jax had struck to save his family and his club, but not before handing over the reigns to his former VP Filip "Chibs" Telford.

She couldn't help but immediately notice that the pictures in his folder simply didn't do the man justice. Not that he wasn't attractive in the photos but upon meeting him it was the man's personal swagger that drew her in.

She never intended their outlaw/law arrangements to find them in bed together. However it didn't take long for the witty banter and subtext flirting to lose the subtext and before she could even take a breath they were in bed. The sex was amazing, and the intel flowed between them, although not easily, to do what was best for Charming and it citizens. More often then not though she knew that while he never admitted to it, most of the crime scenes she was called to the middle of night were things he already knew about.

Althea found herself, for the first time in year falling for this man, the worst possible man for her. She fought against it, even as he fought for it, and he did try and fight for the relationship he thought was worth something to him. They fought often though, because this "relationship" was something he wanted to bring to light with his club, meaning she would have to bring it to light with her job which would most likely mean the end of her job and she wasn't sure what she loved more, him or it.

Chibs knew that Althea was struggling with all of it, and it hurt him. He wasn't a man that cared easily. In all his years with the club he had never had an old lady. Fiona had left him a broken man so when Tara called and asked for help in Colorado he jumped at the chance to help her, and to take a breather from Charming and the woman in his life.

Bringing back Tara and the boys had never been a part of the plan, and while it was ok for her and the boys to stay at the clubhouse it wasn't a long-term solution. He wanted to make sure they were safe, so her and boys moving in with him was the perfect solution. It gave them more security, and a place to call home until they had the opportunity to make a new life for themselves.

That also meant that there was less time for his secret relationship, and he found that his time with Tara sated him. She made him laugh, and the kids gave him a reason to come home. Charlie loved his beard and said his scars made it look like he was always smiling. From that moment on his heart belong to those kids, and slowly he realized that his heart also belonged to the one women it shouldn't, and as fate always has it happen, right at that moment is when Althea decides she's ok with being a old lady.

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