Best Of Intentions

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*I had big plans for our future
Said I'd give you the whole world somehow
I tried makin' good on that promise
Thought I'd be so much further by now
Never could build you a castle
Even though you're the queen of my heart
But I've had the best of intentions from the start

Now some people think I'm a loser
'Cause I seldom get things right
But you make me feel like a winner
When you wrap me in your arms so tight
Please tell me you will remember
No matter how much I do wrong
That I had the best of intentions all along

He knows that the two people on the park bench have heard his car approaching before they saw it. Already looking in his direction as he exited his car, he knows it's going to take everything in him to not kill anyone. They sit so close together on that bench, his best friend, and his wife. It's enough to make him lose his breakfast.

He sits across from them still wearing his sunglasses. He refuses to give either of them any sort of respect, especially since they had the audacity to come to this together.

He pushes since it seems neither of them have any intention of speaking. "I said I'd come. I'm here. What?"

Tara sits across from him, and he only looks directly at her briefly. That quick glance though exposes a woman so afraid. It use to break his heart to see her afraid of anything, especially him. He pushes those thoughts out of his head before his heart can respond to his instinctual need to protect her. That is clearly Chibs job now.

"Well?" He says to a still quiet table.

"Jackie boy..." Filip begins since Tara is frozen, but is quickly cut off.

"Jesus christ man, can you shut the hell up. This conversation is between me and Tara. I have no time for a traitor."

"Watch yourself brother. " the man warns.

"Or what? You'll send me to meet Mr. Mayhem so you can keep Tara and the boys all for yourself? I may have changed a lot but I can assure you I didn't bring a knife to a gun fight." He answers.

Chibs pulls his gun and points it at Jax's chest. "Go ahead. Pull the trigger. Pull. The. Trigger. Or put that shit away cause you have as much to answer for as I do, "brother". " The blonde is standing and looking directly into the other man's eyes. Chibs looks down at Tara who nods and he lowers his gun back into his kutte.

But as he sits down, he finds himself face to face with the barrel of Jax .38. "Point that shit at me again and I won't hesitate to pull my trigger." He puts his gun away and still standing looks at Tara.

"I don't have time for this. You said one meeting before you agree to sign the papers. This is it. It's your one chance Tara. Then I want my boys and I want to go home."

"Not just the boys." She says so faintly he's not even sure he heard her.

"Really Tara begging isn't attractive."

"God dammit it Jax, NOT JUST THE BOYS!" She finally yells regaining her voice and anger back over her fear and intimidation. He'd never able to bully her when they were together she sure as hell isn't going to let it start now.

"And you self righteous prick I'm not begging to get back together with you. Not everything in this world revolves around you and your wants and needs. Not everything is about what you think is best. I have a whole life now. A whole big, full life and family now that you're not a part of because as usual you made decision that were only based on what you wanted, or what you felt needed to be done and while your intentions were admirable it was bullshit to run from me and our kids no matter your reasons. You missed so much of the boys' life! And you've missed Charlie's entire life so far. So forgive me if I find your "I needed to grow" excuse pathetic. You made bad choices. Great, we all did. We all do. But you don't leave behind your family and expect them to understand when YOU decide it's a good time to come back."

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