Sherlock cooks?

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A/N- This is my first attempt at writing and publishing work so I hope you guys enjoy it. This is a bit short but I have written a few longer ones. Let me know what you all think.- thanks for reading my story. Thank you sini333 for inspiring me to write.

Sherlock exited his room and roamed around the flat looking for his doctor, when Sherlock woke up he wasn't in bed snuggled against Sherlock like he usually was. Usually John would wake him up before he left for work,

Sherlock had just woken up and he was already bored, Lestrade hasn't had any interesting cases for them in weeks and John was the only thing keeping Sherlock sane. With John at work Sherlock had nothing to do but be bored all day, Sherlock reached the kitchen and found a note waiting for him.

Had to go to work. I was going to wake you but you were sleeping peacefully so I just left you a note. I'll be home around 6. Please try not to destroy the flat while I'm gone.
Love John

Sherlock smiled at the note and folded it neatly back to the way it was. He then went into John's old room and placed it in the shoebox he had hidden in John's closet. John had a habit of leaving notes for Sherlock and Sherlock kept everyone of them even before they were dating. There was a variety of little notes in there ranging from quick memos to sweet little love letters, he smiled as he read the note one more time and slipped it into the box. After putting his box away he browsed around the room, after dating for a while John moved into Sherlock's room and they turned the old room into a lab for Sherlock so that he wouldn't keep destroying the kitchen. He looked around the room and browsed the few bookshelves in the room, his mainly filled with science books and things like that. Sherlock moved to John's bookshelf and found quite a few things he was interested in, John's books ranged from medical books to the fiction genre. Lower down he found a cookbook with sticky notes placed inside to mark the recipes that John had taken interest in. An idea sparked in the detective's head and he ran to the kitchen.


John hailed a cab home from the hospital because he was too tired to walk all the way home. He sat in the cab and rested his head against the headrest thinking of home. All he wanted to do was sit in his chair with a cup of tea and listen to Sherlock's violin, he always loved when Sherlock played. It was one of the many things that he loved about Sherlock.

The cab reached its destination and John handed the cabbie the due amount before exiting the cab. The doctor got the flat door open and dragged himself up the stairs, thinking about how tired he was. Halfway up the stairs John began to notice the smell of something burning and panic filled his chest, he sprinted up the staircase and burst into the flat.

"Sherlock!" He screamed and searched frantically for his detective. The flat was filled with a tiny bit of smoke but luckily no flames.

"John, your home." Sherlock says leaning against the kitchen doorframe. He was wearing an apron and had oven mitts over both his hands, relief filled John and he hugged the taller man in the doorway.

"Sherlock, what are you doing?" John asked and Sherlock bowed his head in embarrassment.

"I was making garlic bread for dinner and I remembered you said you like your garlic bread crunchy so I cooked it longer and accidentally burnt it." His face filled with sadness and he wouldn't look at John, almost like a child getting in trouble. John chuckled and stood on his toes to peck Sherlock's lips.

"You made me dinner?" John asked surprised at Sherlock's gesture.

"Yes, but now I've ruined it." The detective sulks and John wraps his arms around the taller man.

"It's alright love, it'll still be good." John replies and Sherlock smiles returning the kiss John gave him earlier, before making a surprised sound and running into the kitchen to get the rest of the food before it burned. John put his coat away and sat on the kitchen table watching Sherlock cook him dinner. He had made pasta and spaghetti sauce with a salad and some garlic bread. John's heart swelled at the thought that Sherlock had gone through the trouble to make him dinner.

"Sit down John, it's almost ready." Sherlock says and John tries to help him set the table but Sherlock forces him to sit down. So he sat at  the table and poured them both a glass of wine.

"So I see you went to the store today." John comments and Sherlock makes a disgusted face.

"I honestly don't know how you do it John it's bloody awful. All the people and ridiculous prices, it's so tedious." John chuckles at his response and watches Sherlock make his plate.

"Thank you, Sherlock." John says as Sherlock hands him his plate. At first John was hesitant remembering the time Sherlock had drugged his coffee but brushed it off when he remembered the effort Sherlock went through to put the meal.  John took the first bite while Sherlock watched in anticipation for John's reaction.  John's face lit up and he continued to dig into the wonderful meal his boyfriend had made for him. 

"Sherlock this is amazing, the garlic bread is burnt and even that is fantastic!" John exclaims and a smile forms on Sherlock's face. Not his usual 'oh look murder smile' but an actual genuine one, the one he keeps reserved for special moments.

Once they had finished the meal John was standing at the sink starting to wash the dishes they had dirtied during dinner. It honestly surprised John how many plates and silverware they owned since they very rarely made dinner. He had begun to scrub the plates clean of spaghetti sauce when a hand reached around him and grabbed the sponge from him.

"What are you doing Sherlock?" John asked spinning around to find himself incredibly close to Sherlock.

"I'll clean up John you always clean." Sherlock argues and pulls John to an embrace.

"What on earth did I do to deserve you?" John asks and Sherlock's cheeks turn pink.

"You make me human John." He replies and nuzzles into John's neck. John's heart swells and he grips the detective's face in his hands and plants a kiss on his lips.

"You were always human to me, Sherlock." He replies and continues to kiss Sherlock.

They spent the rest of the night curled up on the couch watching crap telly and cuddling and John couldn't help but think about how happy he was with Sherlock.

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