After talking for a couple more minutes or so, I make my way towards her balcony door where I make my way down. Well, before Tasha shyly asked if she could give me her way of affection. I knew what she was referring to, so I let her do her daily ritual of pecking all over my face like the weirdo she is. She was hesitant at first, seeing how I blew up at her the last time she did it. But it is different now; she's not dating anyone. So I allowed her to innocently give me affection, the way she has always done. Then when she was all done, I excused myself and promised to see her after church was over, so we could hang out today.


As church let's out from its two hour service, I meet Natasha and her family in the parking lot. She smiles and waves at me all excitedly as if she hasn't seen me just this morning. I smile and shake my ahead at the same time, giving her a hair ruffle as I get closer to her and her huge family. As I am about say something to her, I am quickly engulfed in a warm hug from Mrs. Malarie McCann. She even kisses both of my cheeks, and pulls away with such a beautiful smile, but then she frowns.

"Oops, I got my red lipstick kisses all over your cheeks," she reaches up to wipe away her lipstick from my face, as Tasha chuckles from the side of me. "There you go, all better. How have you been, sweetheart?" She asks me, just before pushing a piece of hair from my face.

"I've been well, thank you for asking, Mrs. McCann. How about yourself?" I question, but tense up once I see Mr. McCann coming this way with little Israel. "I have been great, hon. How is your–" She is cut short by Jason coming up to thump my forehead.

"Ow." I groan, lightly rubbing the middle of my forehead. "Oh be a man, Grustin. I barely even touched you my guy." Jason rolls his eyes, as he and Jacob laugh at me. "Dad stop being mean to my best friend." Tasha looks at her dad, but shoves Jake.

"I agree, Pops. You're always being mean to, Justin." Joel looks at his dad with a grimace expression, while he lightly pats my back. "I also agree, you are a meany sometimes, daddy." Ariel Rose chimes in, flipping her long brown hair over her little shoulder.

"Mhm, he sure is rotten to our Justin." Mrs. McCann purses her lips, while she reaches up to fix my glasses from being crooked on my face. "My shit, I am just playing with the damn boy! Geez you guys are taking this way too heart." Mr. McCann throws his arms up in annoyance, receiving gasps from his family.

I am pretty sure he knows he's in trouble by the way he slowly turns to his wife, and winces at her stern face towards him. Tasha widens her eyes at her parents silently staring at one another looking as if they are suppressing words they want to say.

"You watch your mouth, Jason. You are being devilish, knowing darn well we are still in the parking lot of the Lord's house." Malarie points to Jason, making sure to poke her finger into his chest. "Honey BubbleGum Turkey Nugget I apologize, okay?" He tries to get out of being in trouble, but his wife only picks up baby Lillian and places her into her car seat in their car.

Hmm, Honey BubbleGum Turkey Nugget? I definitely know where Natasha gets her weirdly odd nicknames from. Her father that's who, and it runs severely deep in their roots too.

Just as I am about to say something to Tasha, I hear my name being called from my parents. I widen my eyes in nervousness, and turn around to see both of my parents staring at the McCann's. My father unapologetically frowning at Jason, as Mr. McCann does the very same. Except his stare is much of a glare than a frown. My mother, and Malarie look uncomfortable but still politely smile at each other.

"Hey Margret, how are you?" Mrs. McCann greets my mother with a beautiful gracious smile. "Hi, Malarie. I am doing well thank you. How about yourself?" My mother nods with a small smile, waiting on Mrs. McCann to speak.

Imperishable (Justin Bieber) *SLOW UPDATES*Where stories live. Discover now