Johnny and I have been together since last year, and I can honestly say he makes me very happy; just as much as Justin does as well

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Johnny and I have been together since last year, and I can honestly say he makes me very happy; just as much as Justin does as well. Sadly he and Justin have not liked each other for as long as I could remember, and it hurts me a terribly. Did I mention my dad doesn't like him either? Well he doesn't; he absolutely hates his guts, and disagrees with our relationship one-hundred percent. I thought he hated Justin– he probably still does, but it is nothing compared to his strong hatred for Johnny.

The only reason why he kind of sort of lets Johnny live to see the next day, is simply because of my mom and her nice motherly ways. She always brings up her dating dad when she was just 17 years old, and it almost always shuts him up quickly for some strange reason. I wonder why he instantly goes mute. Let's just face it, my father doesn't like me dating anyone; probably not even girls either if I was lesbian or bisexual.

Even through all of the dislike for my boyfriend, my dad does allow us to do things... to a certain extent. Johnny and I are not allowed in my bedroom alone, unless one of my brothers or sisters are inside with us. I am also not allowed to be out past nine-thirty at night with him, and I must always check in with him every hour when we are anywhere else but school, my home, and church. This is all because my father doesn't trust Johnny's teenage boy intentions. Dad's words not mine. I guess I cannot blame him for being overprotective– and I mean over the top with the paternal protection. It's not only him, but it's my uncles, and younger brothers too.

My boyfriend, best friend, and father all not getting along sucks with a passion; I cannot even choose sides because I love all three of them so much. I know for sure Johnny and Justin have gotten off on the wrong foot when we were little kids, but we are older now. Surely they can move past all of it. Dad just doesn't like any boy–except his sons– who come in close contact with me. Sheesh, he barely even gives Justin a break.

I admit, Johnny used to bully Justin JuJu in elementary and middle school, but he's changed now. He is no longer like that anymore; he is different. I know he can be a bit mean at times, but he does have his sweet moments. Justin doesn't see it at all, and I really want him to. He's dead set on Johnny being evil and a huge pain in the buttocks. I agree, he can be an extremely annoying, self-centered, and a tad bit harsh, but I love him. Some may call what we have just a dumb teenage romance and that's okay, but he's special to me.

"I'll be nice to him, baby. But it's going to cost you. Give me a kiss." Johnny's voice brings my attention back to him as he rubs one of his hands along my upper thigh area, as his other hand cups my face. "You promise?" I question hopefully, watching him nod his head just before he kisses me aggressively.

I kiss him back too, just not as rough as he is. He doesn't really like soft and chaste type of kisses. As we make out and display major PDA, I ignore the ooh's and awe's coming from our friends. I even ignore the disgusting remark of, "get that pussy, Johnny" from one of his stupid football teammate friend's. I tried pulling away many of times, but his strong hold on my face keeps me in our kisses.

Imperishable (Justin Bieber) *SLOW UPDATES*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon