s i x

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s i x - anna's pov

I was out.

I was safe.

Well I was at least safe for now.

I can't even remember what happened. It's all very hazy. One minute I was living my every day life and within  seconds everything had changed.

I had over heard my grandmother one night while she was on the phone with our ymbryne friend from Canada. I knew she was in serious trouble when I heard the words hollow being screamed down the phone .

"There here" she yelled " there coming for me and my children".

If it wasn't for that call I might not have come out off that situation alive or at least free.

From that day on I found myself become more aware of what was happening around the world to the peculiar kingdom.

But then it came to that one morning. The morning where everything changed.

i had flew away from my old loop; i was told i'd be safer some where else. i followed my grandma's hazy directions to a new loop; an un-raided loop. Those were the last words she said to me. the last words she said before i was flying away, out of the loop and across the ocean, my bag in my beak. i needed to find this loop - Miss Peregrine's loop.

Hi it's Kirsty and Maisie 
Hope you enjoyed this chapter

Invisible • Millard Nullings • MPHFPCWhere stories live. Discover now