~~Chapter 3~~

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"What?" I asked

Christian looked around awkwardly "um...I should go" he said "I have an important meeting"


I remembered he was on his way out when he saw me.

I gave him a small smile "Thank you"

He waved my thanks away "it was the least I could for you for not fulfilling your promise to castrate me when I took your best friends away"

I giggled at the memory his words evoked.

The night Ava and Zoe had left Taylor's groove I had in a fit of drunken anger called Christian and told him if i ever saw his face again I'd castrate him.

He kissed Ava and was gone.

I raised my brows at Ava and she raised one back. She knew how much I wished I could lift only one eyebrow. She was teasing me. The minx.

I stretched out my hand "The newspaper Ava"

She sighed "Are you sure?,it's bad"

"Just give it to me. If it's about me I need to know what it says"

She wordlessly handed it over.

'Famous basketball player Luke McCampbell seen out and about in downtown with a mystery woman'

The headline jumped at me.

Then I saw a picture of me and the guy who ran into me standing close to each other.

I remember this moment,it was when he said 'you're very much a woman' and was staring at my lips.

The picture looked really compromising.

There was no space at all between us and we were both staring at each others lip,mine slightly parted.

For the past 2 years Lucas McCampbell hasn't been seen with any member of the opposite sex that wasn't part of his extended family. Just yesterday he was seen in downtown New York with a mysterious beauty. The two looked pretty comfy with each other,it's like they were lost in their own little bubble. We think they're going to be the new cute couple in town but who is this pretty brunette?. It still remains a mystery but stay tuned as we plan to find out really soon who she is and what role she plays in the life of our favourite basketball player.

The blood drained out of my face.

Oh my God.

When was this taken?. He's a basketball player?. I guess that explains why he was so fit and tall.

"Neil are you ok?" Ava asked. She sound worried.

I nodded and took a huge gulp of my whisky wincing slightly when it burned my throat.

She narrowed her eyes at me "what are you drinking?"

I licked my lips nervously


"I know!,it's just a sip ok?. I'm not her" I hissed.

She sighed "I know you aren't" then got up.

"What about an iced martini?"

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