Chapter Two - Expensive Lemonade

Start from the beginning

Next day, mom got a shock after the delivery of newspaper. Her eyes went larger and larger, she screamed on the doorstep 'Oh My Goodness!' then hurried to the dining table, where we were having the breakfast, bread butter with potato sauce, and asked us to read the headline...


On 1 March, the nation had a great tragedy, hundreds of people died, but the question is how? At the crime site, there was no blood, no weapons, and no traces of any poisonous gas. The report said people died of heart attacks and some are suffering from paralysis. All this happened in the Heights Auditorium after the ceremony named 'Miss Universe's First Look'.

Hahahaha... Saw my magic, Frooti!"

Well, that was just her dream. She would have jailed, if that had happened in the real world. She just bragged off something she didn't own, which is beauty...


The school started. As usual, Miranda yawned during all the subjects. In the first period, the class teacher entered and called attendance. Her classmate, Jimmy, was absent yesterday. The atmosphere of the class turned thrilling when he was called because school endowed true punishments to absentees. First, they were tortured with an hour lecture and then their parents were called up. And, when the parents showed up, they were said, "Your ward took a leave."

Once for same reason they called up Angelina. She hated visiting school for no reason. It was one of the biggest mistakes of the class teacher, Mr. Braggie. He repeated the same, "Your ward took a leave," and dismissed Angelina.

"You wasted my money, just to say some words," Angelina snapped. She directly demanded for the travel expenses. She grabbed Mr. Braggie's collar and shouted, "I want my money." She granted a few slaps on his face. Students gaped at how brave and equally dangerous Miranda's mother was. Soon, students witnessing the scene respected Miranda. Angelina had left an impression. Mr. Braggie had to pay money because in next few minutes she had grabbed his hairs.

"I'm sorry," Mr. Braggie. Angelina ignored the apology, she glared at the money she got and left the school.

Since then, Mr. Braggie had held a grudge against Miranda. He was being extra cruel towards her. During his period, he gave her extra punishment and every time she was pointed among the class for everything. Even, if a lizard had entered the classroom, Miranda was considered guilty, he said, "Miranda is a Lizard-Magnet."

Suffering from this teacher, Miranda named him Mr. Torturer.

Miranda's time just passed by until the cooking class showed up. The beginner cooking class. Cooking didn't mean cooking. No use of fire. Mrs. Handbake taught handmade things. Today, the blackboard proclaimed Lemonade Lesson. She taught to prepare an assortment of lemonade, from minty to tangy, and from salty to sweet.

"See, students, this is how we stir the spoon," Mrs. Handbake instructed.

"We are class twelfth students. Haven't you got in your knowledge that we know how to stir," Tyson mocked. He was an undesirable student, especially to M.A.D Girls Group as he bullied them often.

"You can prepare perfect lemonade that worth only by perfect stirring," Mrs. Handbake replied while stirring her lemonade. "Only perfect lemonade pays you," she said.

The concept of lemonade had aroused up Andice. The chills of lemonade ran through her head, triggering her 'Go-Money-Getter' alarm. She got carried away and babbled, "Oh! This cool lemonade is the way to accomplish my dream. This lemonade would make me queen. I will open a small roadside lemonade stall today. It would flourish into a lemonade restaurant eventually. Then, in a lemonade themed hotel that would feature lemonade bath, lemonade bed, and lemonade fountains." Andice laughed with fire-flashing eyes.

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