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Robert sits there smiling at me, and I can feel everyone else's eyes on me, pairs of eyes staring at me.

"The news?" I say.
"Okay, we have a new role opening up in The Walking Dead. Dakota White. She arrives at the prison, becomes close to carl. Yeah? What do you think?" Robert explains to me.
"Really? I have a role?!" I say
"For you." Robert says.

I scream, and dance about the room. I leap into Mingus' arms, and giggle hysterically. I still continue to dance around, hugging people, until I get to chandler.
"That sherif hat be mine!" I say giggling and plopping myself on his lap.
"No, I got shot therefore it's mine" chandler wines.
"Not if I steal it!"
Me and Chandler giggle uncontrollably.

"So when do I start?" I ask Robert, Mingus makes faces behind Robert and I struggle to control my laugh.
"Dakota gets introduced in the second half of this season. Carl finds her." Robert says.
"Cool! Wait...I never auctioned?" I say curiously.
I turn to my dad who turns bright red and starts to whistle innocently.
"You put me forward? oh my god, aaaa!" I scream, leaping into my dad's arms.

I release from his tight grip, and he smiles.
Wow, I'm so lucky. I can't even start to imagine how many other girls wanted this part.

Comic cons, the cast, shooting the episodes, red carpets. I'm so excited.

"Andrew said you'd be committed and dedicated, you learn scripts fast. Sounds like a perfect actress to me." Robert explains to me.
"We're you all in on this?" I ask. Looking At the cast who were all in Normans living room.

"Might have been" Steven says, looking at the other cast members. They laugh uncontroably and I clap my hands.
They stop laughing and glare up at me.
"Let's party! Celebrate!" I say.
Mingus goes in the corner and plugs in my phone, and turns the stereo to full.
My music blares out, and everyone's dancing, singing, drinking.

I can't can't wait to start doing my dream.

My Dad's Son {chandler riggs fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now