Chapter 26 ~ Little Me

Start from the beginning

"No wonder I didn't work. You got more doodles on it then ingredients. Did you even pay attention?"

"I tried! Really! He's just so boring and I don't understand what he mean half of the time. Why can't he just say the ingredients and the quantity and then I'll know what to do? But no, he starts immediately with the method and then he goes in on something and then back at the potion and then I get confused and give up." 

"You are such a talented wizard, just because one thing doesn’t go as well as another, doesn’t mean you should give up." He sounded a bit disappointed, I made me feel bad.

"I’m sorry, I'll do better. But will you help me?" 

"Yes, I will. But I'm sure if you pay more attention you'll pass potions as well. 

We worked on it for more than an hour before we completely corrected it.

"Finally, I'm so tired!" I said, while I pulled myself up and sat down on the couch. I pulled my legs to my chest and rested my head on them. It wasn't even that late it was ten thirty, or something. I heard Oliver mutter something, but I didn't understand what he was saying. I was falling asleep.

I saw a little girl in a red dress. I guess she was 3 years old. She was playing in the yard, letting flower levitate around her body, she looked so happy. Her dark brown hair in a ponytail, although there more hair out of it. Barefoot she trampled around. 

"Arianna, sweetie." A women’s voice yelled, I looked up to see who was calling me. But I didn't see anyone, I must miss heard it. I saw that the little girl looked up as well and the flowers fell down on the ground and she skipped to the house.

The scene changed, I was in the house now. The girl wore a cute ballet dress with glitter, she was turning and jumping around the room, while her parent where smiling and applauding. Then the girl stopped, she made a bow and opened her eyes. That was me. Why don't I remember this? Why don't I remember these people? Where they my parents? The scene paused with the little girl, me, looking proud and happy to her parents with her big dark green eyes. The parents looking at her loving. 

Tears were filling my eyes, why don't I remember this? I don't know how long I stood there watching my little me, but I didn't care. I wanted to keep standing there, until I remembered again. But the memories didn't come. I was getting frustrated, angry, and mad. I let out a scream and fell down on the ground. When I looked back up the scene changed again.

I saw a little boy, He looked a bit like me, but older. Maybe 5 or 6 year, he had the same green eyes, his hair a couple lighter brown strokes. He sat at the table, concentrated on the paper in front of him. I stepped closer, so I could see what he was doing. How sweet, he was thinking on his math exercises, 3+5 is the brain cracker.

"Louis!" the same women’s voice as last time called him. 

"Yes, mom?" He yelled back.

"Your sister's coming of the stairs, will you help her, please, I'm buzzy." the women said.

"Yeah, fine." For a little boy, he had an attitude. He walked over to the stairs, he was about to go up to help her, when she stopped him.

"No, I can do this alone!" She said, I said. It was me again. With both hands on the railing and slowly going down.

"Be careful!" Louis warned her.

"I can do this!" I called back. After a while I was down, I jumped of the last one and ran to the place Louis was making his homework. She sat down on the opposite side he sat.

"Louis, wanna play a game!!!" She, I yelled. She stood on the chair and lean all the way over the table.

"No, not mow, I'm buzzy." He said.

"Nooooooo, I wanna play a game!"

"I said I can't!"

"Mommy, Louis doesn’t wanna play a game with me!"

"Arianna, you're brother’s buzzy, go play with your dolls." She crossed her arms and made a pout lip. Jumped of the chair and disappeared around the corner. And the scene paused again. 

What's happening? Who’s doing this to me? Is this real? Do I really have a brother? What happened with him? I wanna get out of here! 

Everything went black, I thought it was over, I couldn't handle it anymore. But no, instead of waking up there appeared another scene.

A girl laying on the ground in a living room, she looked 4 years old and I didn't recognised the place. The girl looked familiar, although I'm sure I've never seen her. My focus stayed on her, until she got up and her dark purple eyes looked at something.

"Daddy are you okay?" She asked with a small voice. I turned to the spot she was looking at. At long man with short dark brown hair. The way he sat there, how he looked. I knew him. He looked up at the girl and my heart stopped, it was Oliver, he didn't look much older than he is now.

"I'm okay sweetie, just go play with your toys, dinner is almost ready."  He said, while trying to hold the tears back. What happened? 

The scene changed. They were sitting at the table. The girl looked up from her plate and looked questioning.

"What is it sweetie?" Oliver asked her.

"When is mommy coming back?" She asked. Tears come into his eyes. 

"Mommy isn't coming back." He said and a tears fell over his cheek, I couldn't stand seeing him like this.

"Why?" she looked sad.

"Something happened and now she is in heaven." He took the girls hand and squeezed it.

"Is she happy there?" Oliver nodded.

"Yes, and she will always be with us, in our hearts." He said while touching her chest on the spot where your heart is. The girl made a little sad smile. 

Something took my attention at the back of the room. 

A picture, a family picture. I stepped closer. It was a picture of Oliver, the girl and myself, pregnant. My heart dropped, tears fell over my cheeks and I couldn't stop them. The room got blurry, followed by black. I felt myself falling. I didn't stop.

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