Chapter 26 ~ Little Me

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I entered his dorm and closed the door behind me. I thought he didn't hear me, because he was still intensely writing and thinking over his desk at the back of the room. I slowly walked over to the desk until I stood right next to him, he still didn't look up. 

"Euhm, hey?" I said carefully, He scared a little and turned to me. A smile grow on his face, which made my heart race. He pulled me closer so I sat on his lap. 

"Oh god, I missed you." He said before kissing me. When he pulled back, I smiled and got off his lap.

"You know I was serious about the tutoring, right?" I said, hoping he did know it wasn't just an excuse to be with him.

"I thought so, but you can stay longer than you actually have to." He said with a smirk.

"Well.... Nobody knows how long this is gonna take, and nobody's waiting for me." I stated.

"Great, who knows, it can take a whole night to get that potions done." 

"Indeed, It's a difficult piece of homework we've got." I couldn't hold in my laugh anymore, so I let it all out.

"I just want to finish my astronomy first, okay?" I said, while I installed myself on the couch, laying my paper on the coffee table in front.

"Great, 'cuz I just have to get this right. Just say when you're ready." I nodded and started on my astronomy.

It was about galactic evolution, quite interesting. I was al finished after about 10 minutes, but Oliver wasn't. So I decided to write a note to Mike and Ethan. I sat down on de floor in front of the couch so it would be easier to write.

Heeey guys!!

Sooo I was wondering if you are free this Saturday? 

It's been a couple weeks now, and even though I hate to say it, am gonna say it:

I miss you guys! I really hope you have time, cuz Oliver is buzzy and I need company ;)

Write me back :D


Ari xx

 After I wrote the note, I started on my potions already, even though I didn't get further than 3 lines before I was stuck again. 

"Hey Oliver, are you almost done yet, I'm stuck here.” I said, I was getting tired as well.

"Yeah, sorry. I’m done for now, I'll finish it tomorrow." He said, He stood up and walked over to the couch. And came sitting next to me on the floor. 

"So, what is the potion you have to correct?" He asked me.

"Euhm, my magnifying potion didn't magnify." 

"Then what did it do?" I looked at my lap, because it didn't even look like magnifying, it didn't even shrink.

"Euhm well, actually it, kind of like, changed colour?" I said while making a face. 

"How on earth did you manage to get that?" 

"By sucking at potions. I don't know how, but I always fail at it. I followed the recipe. I don't know what I did wrong. “I said with a pout.

"I don't know either. Let me see what you have." and he took the paper from the table. "Where is your original paper?" I pointed at the scrabbled paper further on the table. 

"What is this supposed to be?" He said, when he looked at the paper.

"Euhm, my notes I took when Mr Bell was explaining the potion." I said as innocent as I could.

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