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I hope you still enjoy the story and please let some comments and vote for my story it really matters to me. Any feedback is very important for me to improve the story. Feel really free to say what you want (as long as it is constructive)! I would really appreciate that!

When I woke up I was alone in the bedroom.
I went downstairs and saw how everything had changed.
Beds had been brought and medical equipment had now replaced the computers.
The place was overcrowded, some people were weeping, some were shouting, it was mere chaos. I tried to look for Seneri and Kempton. I walked through the beds searching for them. 

Suddenly I found Paul. I was so relieved to see a familiar face that I ran toward him. 

'Paul! I shouted, how are you? 

'Jay! he answered, looking really happy to see me but totally exhausted, I'm fine! I'm glad you're doing good too! There're too many people and we can't treat all of them. I know a doctor who is humanist and he came here with some of his colleagues to help the worst cases know what... I need your help, are you okay enough to help? 

'Yes, I instantly answered, glad that I could be helpful, what do you need me to do?
' I need you to register everyone: who is okay, who can help and the others and what they need. Can you do this for me?
'Of course! But I need to check if Seneri and Kempton are okay first...

'I know that but we're almost a thousand in there, check everybody and this way you'll find them... Young humans are gathered here, upstairs the only room filled with teenagers was yours. The two others are for critical cases and adults: where you saw Ethenor... He told me you saw him. 

'Yeah, I simply said, but I'm scared they're ... not okay...

'I see, Paul answered, well...go find them but do this afterward, we really need to know how is everybody and what they need...

'Okay, I see...

'Here's a pen and a notebook. Please do not forget anyone, he said before leaving to help someone who was crying behind him. 

I look all around me, thousands of humans were talking, weeping and screaming. Each time I heard a cry, my whole body shivered thinking that it could be Sen or Kempton...

I walked through the beds looking desperately for them.

'Come on, come on, I thought, please be alright, please be alright...

'Jay! You're alive! I heard someone say with a strong French accent.

'Thomas! Are you okay?

'I'm on fire! he laughed, referring to his ability to create flames.

'Great! Have you seen Seneri or Kempton, I've been searching for them for ages?

His smile disappeared from his face. My heart broke.

'I did see them...he started, but...I'm so sorry.

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