Chapter 16: She loves me...she loves me not...

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I started getting calls from Case. Sad, long drawn out voicemails from Case, which I got tired of listening too, and then calls from private numbers which I completely ignored.

I went to school and ignored the obvious chemistry growing between Gwen and Arla, and I started joining RoseMary and Liam in their little realm until Eric offered to let me paint up with the telescope. That cleared my mind and put me back into perspective. I really loved being out there with the clouds and as the sunsets faded, with the stars.

One day it rained, I knew how to draw over the make-shift over to protect myself and the telescope. There were battery-operated lamps in the art room, which I could bring up with my to light the space under the make-shift cover as it blocked out the building's light. The batteries fizzled out after two hours so I decided to head down to the art room to grab another light.

After pulling over the make-shift coverlet and trooping downstairs to get the lights – I had remembered to lock both doors first as usually – I pushed open the door to the art room and stopped in my tracks.

It was one thing to accept defeat, but it was another thing to see it. Arla was straddling Gwen's waist, and as Gwen ran a hand up Arla's back, I felt sick to my stomach. They were kissing, really intensely. I wanted to gag.

I let the door close and began to walk away.

My walk turned into a run, and I tore down the corridor, not even caring that I had left my bag up there with the telescope. All I knew was that I had my wallet, and I needed to get home. Now.

"Woah~! Slow down there~" Someone said out of the darkness and grabbed me by my shoulders. I stumbled and found myself face to face with Case.

"Oh leave me alone already~!" I exclaimed, pushing her away. Tears streaming down my face.

"Hey~! What's wrong? Did someone hurt you?" Case asked, reaching up to brush the tears away from my cheek.

I slapped her hand away and ground my teeth. "Why are you here?"

Case smiled " I've been looking for you, obviously. You never answer your calls" she said, moving towards me as if to embrace me. I backed up " You seemed to be ignoring me. I'm so sorry, come back to me" she said.

Case was not a bad looking girl. Slender, fit, pale skinned, she had a lip piercing and so many holes in one ear I was surprised she still ha skin left to see. Her hair was currently a red and spiked up, her fringe flopping to the side. It was a good look on her, and she looked ever better in her usual leather jacket and sleek black pants.

"I'm not answering your calls cause let's see...I've moved on? I don't care for you anymore?" I snapped and turned to leave.

She grabbed my wrist and yanked me to her " I don't think so. I think there's still a part of you that loves me"

"In your dreams, " another voice said.

I barely had time to absorb what was happening. One moment I was in Case's ar and the next moment Case was being thrown down onto the street, held there by a furious Gwen.

"What the fuck!" I heard Case exclaim in a muffled way n held her down.

However, it seemed that Case was a match for Gwen. A quick roll sent Gwen flying, and before Gwen had a chance to recover, it looked like Case was about to re-define her face with a jack-knife.

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