Chapter 2: She loves me, She loves me Not

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The way she sits, the way she walks, the way she smiles. Everything about her sends thrills up my spine. I know, I shouldn't be attracted to her, because I'm a girl, and based on my culture....

"It's not that you need to understand the game play. It's just go to town and fucking collect! It's that easssssy. I can't believe that noooob.....some dumb-fuck of a blond-"

I bit my lip as I listened to Gwen going on and on about her latest online role-playing game to Laiya. It's not that I didn't play games or didn't know what she was going on about. It's just that, when I looked at her...I had no words. They just skittered from my brain and I felt as if I'd be the 'noob' if I tried to add to the conversation with a half-baked idea.

"Hey, Sage, you ok?" Crystal asked, tugging my sleeve.

I snapped back into focus and smiled. " Yup, I'm cool. Actually, I think I'm gonna go to the toilet. Brb" I replied and got up, flashing a smile in Laiya and Gwen's direction as they acknowledged me for a moment, then returned back to their conversation.

Brisk steps took me from Acron's, our favorite fast food hangout, to the public bathroom, where I headed straight for the sink and turned the tap on. I splashed water on my face, taking in deep breaths before sighing and looking up at myself. Staring back at me was a girl with dark skin, a pudgy round nose, flushed cheeks and short brown hair that's been bleached at the ends. Yes, if I straighten up I'd see my curves and bust, which has drawn many comments of being "voluptuous" or "curvy" from friends and previous loves, the comments 'fat' and 'over-weight' by concerned doctors when got for my physical. I knew I had to loose a few pounds. I always promised that I'd get to it after the next donut.

I splashed my face again and sighed. Gwen's type was slender fair-skinned girls with short-cropped hair, like those in her Play station 3 games. They were feminine, strong and beautiful girls who had an almost supernatural glow about them... A far cry from me.

I sighed again, straightening up and turning around. I halted, eyes growing wide. Of all the people to bump into, why did it have to be my ex?

"Sage?" The tall tanned slender girl asked, a hand on the wall, smiling invitingly at me. It definitely was Case; my first girlfriend and first nightmare.

"What do you want?" I asked, brushing past her to select a cubical.

"Day-Dreaming again I see. Another failed love affair?" I heard Case ask behind me.

"What's t to you?" I asked, pushing open a door and walking in "The girl you cheated on me with dumped your ass already?"

Just as I shut the cubicle door, a hand stopped it from closing half way. Case pushed her way in, slamming the door shut and leaning on it, trapping me inside with her.

"Can you get the fuck out of my face?" I growled.

"Awe~ What happened to the time when you were so willing, so eager? So-"

"Stupid? I don't know, maybe something clicked after you dumped me, turned up with three other girls in the subsequent weeks, and then made sure I know it by plastering their faces all over facebook. What the hell do you want?" I snapped.

"You" She said and suddenly moved close to me, her hand reaching out to touch my face.

I might not be strong, but I am quick. I side stepped her and tripped her up, so she ended up hitting the toilet bowl while I yanked open the door and made a run for it.

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