Chapter 9 (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Sure thing buddy." i said biting into the sandwich.

     Later that day they all left with promises of visiting tomorrow, the nurses had kicked them out because visiting hours were over and they had to get ready for work and school tomorrow. So i was left all alone watching t.v by myself. But I still couldn't stop thinking about why Mavor beat that guy up.. it probably was so he would get in less trouble, or maybe it was for that girl I saved. She did look kind of familiar i'll ask Mavor some other time, I thought as I fell asleep.

 At the Wallace house...3 days later

"Mavor! Ow!"

"Dang it."

"Mavor! Ow!"

"Dang it."

"Mavor! O-"

"Save it! Roll yourself in the dang house." Mavor growled.

He left me in the doorway, in a wheelchair, alone and helpless. Today is my first day out of the hospital and Rachael, Marcus, and the kids had stuff to do today but I know they are getting stuff ready for a surprise party on Saturday for me to meet the rest of their family. It's kind of obvious since they've been thinking about it non stop.

I sighed inwardly and got up slowly, this wasn't one of those wheelchairs that you can roll the wheels on your own it was one of those hospital ones. I pulled the chair in the house and set it aside and sat on the couch slowly. I was so sore for some reason, and i'm pretty sure it wasn't because of my accident. I had a strange feeling it had to do with my powers.

"Angel! Wake up!"

"What? Where's the fire?" I grumbled. 

"You need to get up and go to your room." Mavor said.

"Why?" I groaned at the thought of having to go up all those stairs.

"Because my friends are coming over and I don't want them to know that i'm harboring a nerd."

"Why can't you go to their houses? I don't have the energy to walk up all those stairs."


"Well you better get some 'cause they're here. Now make yourself scarce or else you have to play the role of maid."

Yeah his mom was totally right, he totally loves me. pfft. I was still in the living room making my way towards the stairs. Oh please don't see me. Please don't see me.

"Mavor what's with the wheelchair?" One of his friends asked. 

"I have no idea why it's there, weird."

"Ha. You suck at acting." I whispered to my self, on the first step.

"Who said that?" the guy asked looking around the room.

     Oh crap he heard me? But how can he not see me? I'm right here. Whatever he must be pretending not to see me.

I walked up the rest of the stairs and into the bathroom to find some pain medicine of some sorts, and gasped at what I saw in the mirror, or should I say, what I didn't see. I had no reflection what so ever. Am I invisible? I guess that's why the guy couldn't see me. This is too weird. I'm going to bed.

I walked out the door and right into a wall or what seemed like a wall. Ow.

"Nerd girl?"

"You can see me?"

"What do you mean? Of course I can see you." Mavor's best friend Kevin asked.


"Yeah. So what are you doing here?"



"Yeah. Nothing." I said and walked swiftly to my room.

Mavor's P.O.V


"Hey Mavor?" I heard Kevin call out from the living room.

"Yeah?" I called back from the kitchen.

"What is nerd girl doing in your house?"

Crap. I have to come up with a lie.

"Uh.. she's here to tutor Ricky." 

"Oh okay. Where is Ricky he needs to be here to get tutored doesn't he?"

"Yeah I guess." I waved it off.

Thankfully he dropped the subject. For now at least. I know this isn't the last time i'm going to hear about this. After watching the football game the guys went home right before my parents got home.

Dinner passed by pretty uneventful and I left early to go to bed, i've been feeling pretty drained these days. I don't know why, in the back of my mind I know it has something to do with a certain nerd.

I just don't want to admit it.

Angel's P.O.V

"Thank you for dinner Rachael." I smiled.

"You're very welcome dear."

"May I be excused?"

"Yes. Of course. And I suppose you two will be leaving too?" she said smirking at the two boys stuffing their faces with the last morsels of food on their plates.

"Mhmm." They both nodded with their mouths full.

"Okay run along then." She chuckled.

"C'mon guys I have something new to talk about."

"So, i learned something interesting today." I said shutting the door so no one else would hear.


"I can turn invisible."

"Really? Cool!" They both said. They always seem to do that.

"Yup, I guess we'll have to add that to the list I chuckled.

"Let's see what other powers you have, we have an extra hour tonight since its your first day back." Ricky said referring to their bedtime.

"Sure, sounds like fun."

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