Chapter 5: The Bad Girl Meets Her Coworkers

Start from the beginning

Jared had his signature "wtf" expression on his face.

"I'm not even sure how you come up with this stuff."

"It's a gift, I'm telling ya." I grinned back before we continued to work on the cars into the night.


I pulled my bike into the motorcycle slot of the Academy early the next morning. There were far less cars parked on this end of the campus than there was yesterday. As I entered the building, everything felt more deserted as well. Most of the lights were still powering on, so everything was poorly lit.

When I entered the career center, I almost died from a heart attack as two men were both perched up on desks, carrying a conversation. I instantly recognized the taller one from the morning before when we had almost ran into each other.

"You must be the new employee." The shorter man spoke. I nodded hesitantly. Both men were surprisingly good looking. The taller one literally looked like he was modeling the janitor uniform, whilst the shorter one had this cute look to him. He was about half the size as the taller guy, and very handsome in this adorable way. It made me want to pinch his cheeks.

They both were wearing badges that said Jackson and Gerald.

"Hi. I'm Alex." I said, offering them a smile.

"Hey Alex, I'm Jackson," the taller one introduced himself, "but everyone just calls me Jaq with a q at the end." He flashed me a set of his pearly whites.

"And I'm Gerald," the shorter one continued, "but Gus for sure."

"Jaq and Gus." I said quietly to myself. It had an odd yet very nice ring to it.

"Exactly." Jaq replied. "Now, first day? correct?" Jaq asked. I nodded to him. He got off the desk and wandered to a closet at the far end of this room. Once he opened it, I could see various cleaning supplies hung neatly in there. He soon after emerged with a pair of yellow gloves, a bucket, a mop, and three different floor cleaners. "You can start with the rooms at the very end of the building since those haven't been used in months. Those rooms will take you much longer than the ones in the other studios due to the dust that has accumulated.

"Once you've finished the floors, come back here and through that closet you'll find some window cleaning supplies. Gus and I are going to be treating the floor back around that area so feel free to ask us if you have any questions." Jaq explained as he set the supplied on the table and floor in front of me.

"Thank you." I replied, as I slid the cleaning supplies into an empty cart by the entrance of the room.

"There are extra shirts in the supply closet by the back rooms if you wish to change so you don't ruin the sweater you're wearing. Don't forget to clock in on that chart over there before you start." He reminded me. I stepped aside as both Jaq and Gus said their goodbyes before heading out to start work.

They seemed nice enough.

Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad after all.



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