I Choose You

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Sorry for the crappy pic! I took it myself in my closet 😂
Anyway, if you wanna end up with Joker continue reading, but if you wanna end up with Jonathan scroll down until it says START READING HERE.
I woke up to a knock on my door.

"Yep?" I said sitting up.

"It Jonathan."

"Come in." I said stretching.

Jonathan walked in and stood by the door.

"So... did you decide?" Jonathan asked shifting his weight.

"Um...yeah..." I said looking down.

"Well?" Jonathan said a bit hopefully.

"I-I choose Joker." I said looking back up at him.

He looked down and nodded.

"I understand." Jonathan said and turned.

"Jonathan wait!" I said rushing over to him.

He stopped but didn't turn around.

"I-I'm really sorry." I said touching his shoulder.

"It's fine." He said turning around.

I looked into his blue eyes and saw sadness. I felt awful.

"I hope we can still be friends." He said faking a smile.

"Of course." I said.

I gave him a hug and he left.

I stood for a moment before walking to my closet.

I put on a red cropped shirt and black ripped jeans.

I then put my hair in a messy bun and walked to Jokers office.

I knocked on his door but their was no response.

I sighed and headed for my bedroom when I saw one of his goons.

"Hey!" I yelled.

The goon turned around and looked at me.

"Where's Joker?" I asked.

"In his room." The goon said before hurrying away which made me roll my eyes.

Some things never change.

"Thanks." I said as he hurried away.

It took me less than two minutes to get to Jokers room.

"Joker?" I said knocking on the door.

"Come in Princess!" Joker yelled.

I walked in and saw he was washing blood off of his hands.

"Do I wanna know?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Probably not." Joker said turning off the sink.

I rolled my eyes and flopped down on the bed.

"So...who'd you choose?" Joker asked leaning on the door frame of his bathroom drying his hands.

"Who do you think?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well I hope it's me but ya never know." Joker said throwing the towel in the sink.

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