Welcome To Arkham

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Edward Nigma = Riddler
Selina Kyle = Catwomen
Pamela Isley = Poison Ivy


"BREAKFAST!" A guard yelled.

All the cell doors unlocked. I walked over to Riddler.

"Morning." I said groggily.

"Good morning." He said cheerily per usual.

Riddler and I had become friends since our cells were right across from each other. I had also became friends with Poison Ivy and Catwomen. After hearing my sob story of a life we all became tight.

Cat, Ivy, Riddler, and I walked to breakfast.

It had been a week since Riddler and I had that deep conversation, and since I arrived.

Christmas had come and gone. Nothing really special happened, but, we did get to pick one thing we wanted. It could be anything, as long as it couldn't be used as a weapon. I asked for a phone. I got one but it was older, but it did still have the persons credit card on it so I could buy any song I wanted! It is illegal, I know, but I'm already in an asylum so I could care less.

Everyday I looked out for Joker and/or Jonathan. I'm not saying I miss them...I'm actually glad not to be around them and their drama.

Although, I am worried about what happened to Jonathan. Don't get me wrong, I'm mad at him for lying to me, but I mean come on! He literally passed out in my arms!

We sat and ate our breakfast quietly until Nigma began with the riddles.

"Riddle me this... what belongs to you but others use it more than you do?" Nigma asked.

"Your name." I said right away.

He raised an eyebrow "I thought you said you weren't good at riddles?"

"I've heard that one before." I said taking a bite of my pancakes.

"Ok, riddle me this... what is harder to catch the faster you run?" Nigma asked.

I thought for a moment, I was stumped. I looked to Selina who wasn't paying attention. Then I looked to Pamela who simply shrugged.

"I have no idea." I said honestly.

He smiled "Your breath!"

"Wow! Good one Ed." I said.

We finished our breakfast and walked to the social room. We all sat down on the couches and chatted until the room fell silent.

I looked over to the door and saw Jonathan.

He casually walked over to the couches where our group was sitting. Well, about as casually as you can when a bunch of insane people are watching you.

"Hey Edward. Hey...(Y/n). Hey-" He began awkwardly.

I stood up and hugged him. I shouldn't have, I should have punched him in his perfect face, but I didn't. I just hugged him in front of all the insane people of Gotham.

After what seemed like forever Jonathan pulled back.

Riddler, Ivy, and Catwomen stood.

"Go back to your shitty lives people!" Cat yelled making everyone go back to what they were doing.

"Common let's let these two figure things out," Nigma said then looked at me "Don't forget what we talked about (Y/n)."

They all walked away and sat down at a different couch.

"So..." Jonathan began.

"Not here." I whispered.

Jonathan's POV

She took my hand and pulled me to her cell. Once we got there she shoved me down on the bed.

"(Y/n)-" I began, but stopped because she hit me across the face.

I groaned. She didn't know this, but I am still healing from Scarecrows fight with Batman.

Flash back

Scarecrow charged at the door and knocked it down. Oh Jonny I'm soooooooo happy you finally let me out! Scarecrow said excitedly as he punched Batman in the face. I was getting so sick of that girl! She was turning you soft! I've been so bored! The fighting continued until I saw (Y/n). Jonny we've almost got him! The Batman! Don't let her make you go soft! The fighting went on but the more I looked at (Y/n) the more I became myself and as I became myself I became weak. Scarecrow could take the punches, but little old Jonathan Crane can't. I fell to the floor and (Y/n) held me. "I'm so...sorry." I whispered and the world faded to black.

End of flash back.

"I guess I deserved that." I said rubbing my cheek where she hit me.

"Yes! You did! I can't believe you didn't tell me! I can't believe you passed out in my arms! I can't believe you, well not you but...well you know what I mean, knocked out the Batman! I can't believe I killed Robin! But most of all, I can't believe you scared me like that!" (Y/n) yelled.

I scared her?

I thought that she would be all mad at me, I mean she is, yet she's not. She's worried. She's vulnerable.

For the first time in my life I scared someone and it doesn't make me feel good. It makes me feel the opisit of good. I feel evil, mean, vicious, bad.

I took (Y/n)'s hand. She just looked at me with tears in her eyes.

I pulled her into my lap and she curled up. I hugged her tightly.

"I'm so so so sorry, (Y/n). I should have told you, but I didn't want you to be afraid of me. I couldn't help passing out. While Scarecrow was fighting Batman I saw you and became came soft. Once I fully returned to myself all the punches Batman had thrown finally set in. Scarecrow can take the punches, I can't. As for Batman, the only reason I let Scarecrow do that was to protect myself, and you of course. I also can't believe you killed someone. And I also can't believe I scared you. I'm sorry I never intended for any of this to happen." I said honestly.

"I know, I forgive you. You did all these things out of the kindness of your heart. And one other thing," (Y/n) said looking up at me "Stop using all those fancy words!"

I smiled "I can't help it! They just come out of my mouth!"

She smirked.

"Hey you two love birds, breakfast is over." Nigma said smiling.

"I better go to my cell." I said.

"Yeah..." (Y/n) said standing up.

I stood up and walked over the Edward.

"Welcome to Arkham." He said and held his hand out.

I shook his hand and walked away.

The last thing I heard was Edward tell (Y/n) something and (Y/n) telling him to shut up.

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