Joker's Mansion

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(f/c) = favorite color.

We drove down the road in the awsome Purple Lamborghini. It reminded me of the song "Purple Lamborghini" by Skrillex & Rick Ross (amazing song). It's funny that they wrote a song about Joker and the Squad, but it's a great song so whatever.

"So, what's you're name, doll?" Joker asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

"O-Oh, um it's (Y/n)." I stuttered, feeling Jokers eyes on me.

"Mmm, (Y/n). I like it." Joker hummed flashing a grin my way.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat wanting to simply go home, but I had no choice.

"We're here." Joker said as we pulled up to a big mansion/warehouse like building.

I unclipped my seat belt. Easier then putting it on, I thought. Joker got out, came around the car, and opened the door for me. I stepped out, barley. These handcuffs were not helping anything.

"Can you take these off?" I said picking up my hands so the Joker could see the cuffs. "I have no where to go, and I can't make it that far in these boots." I said pointing to my black, heel boots.

"Hmm...fine. But if you try and escape I'll make your life a living hell." Joker said as he took the cuffs off.

Great, now I was even more scared than before.

"Yes sir." I whispered which made Joker smile and growl a bit.

Wait where did that 'sir' come from? I wasn't thinking straight. I had never said sir in my life! It was probably the fact that I was face to face with The Clown Prince of Crime. I had never been this scared in my life. I'm so tired I'm babbling in my head. That's not a good sign.

"Come on, I'll show you to your room." Joker said opening the front door for me.

When I stepped in I felt the warm air on my body, it felt good after being out in the cold. The place was nice. I'd always wanted to live in a mansion. Be careful what you wish for I guess.

I followed Joker up the grand staircase and down the hall.

"This is Harley's room." He said pointing to a door.

"You guys don't share a room? I mean, you are kind of dating." I asked.

Joker grunted. "Sometimes I'll share my room, but often she gets too annoying."

"Oh." I said.

We took the elevator to the top floor and stepped out. We walked down the hallway and stopped at the last room.

"This is my room. Only come in if I tell you, or if it's an emergency." Joker he said emphasizing the word emergency.

I doubted I would ever see inside that room.

"This," He said pointing to the next door in the hallway "is your room."

He then opened the door.

"Wow, it's beautiful." I breathed.

The walls were (f/c). There was a big fire place and big, comfy couch. The bed was huge and fluffy. I ran over and flopped down, all the pillows bouncing and falling on the floor around me.

Then the Joker laughed, like really laughed. There was still a bit of his insane laugh but hey, who am I to judge. I looked over at him, he looked back at me.

"Come on, I have one more room to show you." Joker said in a suddenly serious tone.

He lead me back to the elevator and pressed the button to go down to the basement.

"This is where you will come if you try to escape, or misbehave, or do anything naughty." He said looking at me.

The doors opened and revealed a long hallway.

There were many doors along the walls, but Joker walked right past them. He walked up to the door at the end of the hallway and opened it.

"This is my playroom!" Joker said excitedly.

Along the walls where many torture devices. I looked away.

"Awe, come on now. Don't be afraid! You will never see this room again if you behave." Joker said bopping my nose. "The kitchen is on the first floor, there is a bathroom attached to your room. If you need anything ask the goons or Harley. If she gives you any trouble tell me." Joker said strolling back to the elevator.

I got in and he pressed the button to the 5th floor.

When reached the 5th floor Joker said, "I'll be in my study it's over there." He pointed to a room. "Your free to roam around, just don't go to my playroom." He said standing over me.

"Y-yes." I stuttered.

"I didn't hear you." Joker said smirking.

"Yes sir." I said nodding once.

"Good girl." He said and started to walk away.

"Umm...J-Joker?" I asked, instantly regretting it.

He whipped around effortlessly.

"Yes?" He said now smiling.

" there a library or anywhere for me to pass the time?" I asked.

"7th floor, turn left follow the hall, last door on the right." He said.

"Oh, o-ok. Umm...t-thanks Joker." I stuttered.

Before he could respond I was in the elevator.

Joker walked to his study smiling.

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