Victor Zsasz

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I woke up with a hand around my waist. I smiled knowing who it was.

I rolled over making him wake up.

"Good morning." Jonathan said taking his hand from my hip and rubbing his eyes.

Once he realized where his hand had previously been his eyes widened.

"Oh...umm...sorry..." he said while his face become red.

I smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

"Don't be." I said and got up from the bed.

Jonathan and I had been staying with Nigma for a few weeks. He had a very nice home, but it only had one extra bedroom. I told him it was okay and that Jonathan could sleep with me. Nigma smiled at this. Ever since we've shared a bedroom. Nothing ever happens in here though, except sleep of course.

I got dressed and went to eat breakfast when my phone buzzed

Text message from: Unknown

"Strange..." I mumbled opening the text.

Hello, my name is Victor Zsasz. Your friend told me about Jonathan and about how he has served his purpose in life. I am coming for him...and you.

"SCARECROW! RIDDLER!" I screamed running towards the front door.

I locked the front door and all the other doors and all the windows.

I've lived an hour away from Gotham my whole life so I knew who Victor freaking Zsasz was. He kills people who he believes has fulfilled their lives purpose! Or he will kill them if he considers them a zombie. Like what the fuck! And don't even get me started on what he does to women after he kills them! And not to mention after every murder he takes a knife and makes a slash mark in his body!

It took Jonathan and Nigma a few minutes to find me since I was locking every way out/in.

"(Y/n), what are you doing?" Jonathan asked.

"Zsasz is coming. Here," I said handing him my phone as Nigma looked over his shoulder "no doubt my friend is Joker. He probably wants revenge or something."

"Yes, it makes sense." Nigma said looking around.

"Don't worry," I said as Jonathan handed me my phone "I locked all the doors and windows."

"That won't keep Zsasz or Joker out. They are both very determined." Jonathan said.

Suddenly a loud explosion was heard from the front of the house.

"Fuck." I whispered.

"Common!" Riddler said.

We all ran to the guest bedroom where Jonathan and I had been staying.

"Here." Riddler said pushing away the carpet revealing a trap door.

He and Jonathan opened it as I silently closed the door.

Riddler climbed in and turned on a dim light.

"(Y/n), common." Jonathan whispered.

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