"It totally works for you..." Megan said, staring.  She then realized that she was staring and got flustered.  "...in that you can totally do good work in those clothes."

Embarrassed, she camouflaged and flew down.

"I have to go with Supery on that opinion," Shirou said.  "Capes, spandex, and leather just aren't my thing."

"You do realize that the red isn't good camouflage," Robin said.

"You're one to talk," Shirou replied.  "You look like a traffic cone."

Robin responded with an annoyed glare, while Wally laughed.  They promptly jumped down, with the rope of the bioship.  Shirou flew down with some levitation magecraft.  He noticed Superboy about to jump down, so he set a bounded field he had seen Rin make one time.  Superboy came down with a crash.

"Knew I didn't need a line," he said, grinning.

"And yet creating a seismic event may not have helped us much with the covert," Robin snapped, annoyed.

"Don't worry, kid," Shirou said, he and Megan descending.  "I set up a bounded field.  It still allows people to see inside, but they can't hear us.

"Aqualad," Megan said, "drop B is go."

"Head for the factory," he replied, through a comm link.  "I'll track your GPS and rendezvous ASAP."

"Roger that," Robin said.

The four explored the vast jungles of the island.  They went through trees, past a waterfall.  Suddenly, Shirou and Superboy stopped.  They had both heard a twig snap, Superboy through his alien superhearing and Shirou through his magical reinforced hearing.

"Did you hear that?" They said, simultaneously.

"Uh, no," Kid Flash said.  "Wait.  Is this a superhearing thing."

"You do have great ears," Megan flirted.

"Okay, Rob," Wally said. "now what?"

He turned to find Wally missing.

"Man," Wally said, "I hate it when he does that.  Shirou can you find him with your supposed 'magic?'"

He turned around to find Shirou had disappeared.

"And now there's two of them.  You know I'm really starting to hate that guy," Wally complained.

Shirou was currently using the skill Presence Concealment from his father to travel in pure stealth.  The skill is A+ so it is impossible for Shirou to be detected unless he gets into attack formation.

Shirou watched as the others spy on two groups of enemies, one group dressed in red robes and the other regular clothes.  The two began fighting, and Shirou was about to step in to narrow down casualties, when Kid Flash stumbled down in between the two groups.  

"So much for the stealthy," he said.

The leader of the normal clothes group, Bane, began shooting at Wally, but Shirou quickly protected him with Caster's Argos spell to protect him.  The defensive spells has similar protections to God Hand, letting only A-ranked attacks to pierce through.  Finding himself alive, Kid Flash back-flipped and ran, bullets chasing him.

Wanting to protect his friend, Superboy rushed forward and tackled Bane.  However, Bane proved the better fighter, throwing him into the ground.  Superboy retaliated by throwing him into a tree.  As Wally was being bombarded by bullets, Robin and Shirou took this time to attack.  He moved and took down several thugs with martial arts while Robin fell from the trees to assist, taking out his own share of thugs.

Young (Hero of) Justice (A Young Justice and Fate Stay Night crossover)  HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now