Thief (2/2)

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Hey everyone! i just wanted to say thank you for all the support and love you have gave me! <3
Now let's get to the story!!!

Today isn't gonna be a pleasant day, that's for sure.
I close the front door and i start walking my way to school, but today i'm not gonna go my usual route because i know Jughead will be waiting there for me.
And i don't really want to see him right now.

I enter school and put my books in my locker, i then head to the student lounge and sit down on one of the couches. I grab my book and continue reading it.
"hey, where were you?" i close my eyes as i recognize the voice.
"Jug.. " i shake my head, "Why?" i say, unable to say anything else.
"what do you mean?"
"you know damn well what i'm talking about, almost the whole school knows!" i say raising my voice.
"(y/n) honestly, i don't know what you're talking about!" i start to tear up.
'that asshole' i thought to myself.
"sucks to be you then, we're over" i say while tears streamed down my cheeks. I grabbed my book and bag and left the student lounge as quickly as i could, leaving Jughead confused.

(Jughead's POV)
'what is she talking about? wait... she broke up with me...' sadness overran me, i sit down on the couch (y/n) previously sat on and sigh.
"i'm an idiot" i say to myself, i wish i knew what happened.
Betty would probably know. I got up from the couch and left the student lounge trying to find her.
I then found her by her locker, "Betty! finally i found you" I said relieved.
I then noticed the glare Betty gave me, "what's wrong?" I ask.
"you're an asshole, you know. and That concludes for Veronica as well" I look down,
'she as well?'
"Betty, please belief me when i say this" i sigh, "(y/n) broke up with me because of something i did, but i don't know what"
"You don't remember what happened yesterday?" she asked.
"what do you mean 'what happened yesterday'?" I heard Betty mumble an 'oh my god' making me a little scared.
"look, i saved it to my phone" she said while looking though her phone's galerie.
When she found the video it showed a Instagram live stream that Veronica streamed, i knew that i was a veronica's house but nothing else.
I looked at myself, i was clearly drunk.

"Jug, look at me!" veronica said in the video. i saw myself looking at her, Veronica suddenly cupped my face and started kissing me. I kissed back.
a frown appeared on my face, "i have to speak to (y/n), do you knew where she is?"
Betty shook her head, "sorry, i don't"
I wanted to look fer her but just then the first bell rang, i muttered some swear words and then head to class.
'maybe i can talk to her in second period since we share the same class' i thought to myself.

I couldn't really pay attention to class, (y/n) was the only thing on my mind.
Soon the bell rang and I ran to my next class where I hopefully found find (y/n).
I was the first one to enter the maths class room, i sat down and looked at the door hoping (y/n) would show up.
Slowly the other student started to pour in the class room, but no sign on (y/n).
"where is miss. (l/s)?" the maths teacher asked.
I felt eyes dig into me, they all probably know what happened, i wish they knew where she was.
"no one? strange, well let's start class th-" The teacher stopped talking when i suddenly ran out of the class room, i couldn't take this anymore. I just wanted (y/n) back.
I looked so many places, but couldn't find her anywhere.

There was one place left where she could be. The roof.
I ran up the stairs as fast as i could, when i opened the door that led to the roof i looked around. There was a familiar (h/c) haired girl sitting on the edge of the roof while hugging her knees.
I walked towards her and sat down next to her.
"hey" i say. she didn't respond, making me sigh.
"look, i found out what it was about" i pause for a moment, trying to find the words to say.
"i was drunk, Veronica used that advantage. I had no control" i say, i felt pathetic.
I looked at (y/n) tears were pouring down her cheeks.
"i'm so sorry (y/n), i never wanted this to happen" i felt tears burn in my eyes, normally i would never cry. But i care way to much about (y/n).
"i'm sorry too, i shouldn't have over reacted" (y/n) then said with a voice crack.

I wrapped my arm around her, "can we go back to how it was before?" i ask in a hushed voice.
I heard the school bell again, but right now i didn't care.
I felt (y/n) nod her head, face hidden in the crook of my neck.
(y/n) pulled back, she wiped her tears. Suddenly she smiled the way she always did when she had a plan.
"on one condition" she said.
"what is it?"
"you help getting revenge on Veronica, for using you and for breaking my heart"
"Let's do this, then" i grinned hugging her again.

(back to your POV)
school ended pretty fast, i had to go to the principals office. But it was okay when i explained a couple of things (leaving the revenge part out).
I didn't get in trouble and when i grabbed my last things i headed of to Pop's with of course, Jughead next to me with our fingers laced.

i sat down at our usual booth and started planning our revenge plan.
We needed help and that was for sure, but that was probably the hardest part about our plan.
"maybe Betty can help?" Jughead said.
"but she and Veronica are like best friends, she wouldn't do that to her" i pursed my lips, it would have been good to have Betty on our side.
"well... Betty thought what Veronica did was really bad, she told me when she showed me the stream video" Jughead said with a sly smirk.
"oh really?" i smiled. I had the perfect plan and no one can stop me!

We called Betty and after a lot of talking she finally agreed to the plan, step one was done.
The next step was easy, we asked Pop if we could use the frying grease that was left over. Surprisingly, it was a lot!
Now we only had to collect a lot of students who could stream on Their phones on Instagram while the plan was being in action.

So the next day Jug and I came really early to school. We asked the students we knew from class if they would help, and almost everyone agreed and the ones who didn't promised not to tell Veronica.
Everyone who agreed was waiting in the student lounge with their phones in hand, it was now Betty's turn in the plan.
She had to lead Veronica to the student lounge, since veronica almost never goes there unless there's a free period.
i got a text message for Betty,

'Get the phones and the grease ready we are gonne be here in a minute'

I gave everyone a sign that they needed to start their streams on their phone and Jug was getting the bucket of grease on the door of the Lounge.
Jug then stood next to me and grabbed his phone, i did the same and started streaming as wel.
There were maybe like five-hundred people watching in total.
We saw the door open and it was Veronica who entered, the Bucket fell on her making all of her expensive clothes stained in frying grease.

"that's what you get for trying to steal someone's boyfriend!" i say proudly and everyone cheered behind me who was participating in the prank/revenge plan.
Veronica sent me a death glare and stomped out of the lounge furiously.
I had a smirk on my face, i felt Jug wrapping his arm around my waist.
"we did it" I say.
"no you did it, you planned all of this!" Jughead say proudly.
I blushed.

It was lunch now and Jug and I decided to spend in on the roof of the school,
"I checked twitter and your prank is now a viral trend" Jughead put his hands in front of him making them look like brackets, "hashtag, FriedLodge" i started laughing.
"Is that really what the hashtag is?"i say surprised.
He started laughing too and nodded, I tried to say 'oh my god' but all that came out was laughter.
We stopped laughing after what seemed like an eternity.
"Jug?" i say trying him to look at him.
"what is it?"
"i love you" i say with a small smile.
"i love you too"

He pressed his lip on mine. From this day on i knew i never wanted to let this boy go.
He was something special, one of a kind. And he was mine...

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