Chapter 17 -- The ship has set sail

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Jonas pulls against the doorknob. I throw my face into my hands. "Push, not pull." I groan. Ignorant, check.

Ash and I are left alone in my room and we start mopping up the mess. Was this going to happen often, or did I simply need to get a hold on my powers? It's only been a day, so it's hard to say.

"Are you and Mickey going to the homecoming dance together?" Ash breaks our comfortable silence. I mentally sigh. I'd rather not think about him right now.

"I don't know. I have a dress picked out, and I assumed we'd be going together. But things are weird between us at the moment."

The corners of her lips turn up into a mischievous smile, "You could always go with Jonas."

I squint my eyes in her direction just as Jonas walks in the door frame. Not to brag, but my door had much cooler artists labeled all over it. To name a few, Fall Out Boy, Imagine Dragons, Avicii, and One Republic.

"Go with me where?" His bushy, dark eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"Definitely not to school with you wearing that." Ash hoots, clenching her stomach. When she realizes I'm not laughing along, she abruptly halts.

"I kind of like that shirt." I turn away from the two of them, hiding the sudden blush coming to my cheeks. Why did I say that aloud? It was just an old Rolling Stones black tee my brother stopped wearing years ago. Mason was well built, but Jonas' muscles still showed through the shirt.

What am I doing?!? I internally scream at myself. Hopefully Jonas didn't catch that.

When I turn around, trying to pretend I didn't just compliment Jonas on his appearance, Ash has resumed cleaning. Jonas stares at me, wide-eyed, like a deer in headlights. I suppose I've never told him he looked good in anything, but he was stunned to his core. He shut his eyes and rubbed them hard for a few seconds.

"You're actually staring at me. Ash, do you believe this? Della is checking me out." He's grinning from ear to ear, and I can't help but feel the heat rise to my face. Ash rolls her eyes, for once giving it a rest on the 'love life' between Jonas and myself. Of all the times she turns her back.

I try my best to dismiss the tangible awkwardness in the air. I'll blame the random compliment on my new powers.

"Okay, I think that'll do for now." Ash claps her pale hands together with accomplishment in her eyes.

"Della," Ash shakes her head at me, wringing her hands together. "What are you standing there for? Go get dressed!" She ushers me out of the room, throwing clothes at me that I had thankfully already laid out. Ash wasn't the best at coming up with last minute outfits. She needed at least an hour to rummage through her closet.

Skinny jeans feel weird pressed against my legs. In the past couple days, I've worn nothing but sweats and spandex leggings. To fit into my jeans, I jump around like a fish out of water. At one point I fall. This is a wonderful start to my Monday morning.

"Della?" Jonas' voice comes from the other side of the door.

I sit on the floor, almost laughing at myself. I thought you lose weight in the hospital. It seems I've gained weight.

"What?" I ask, holding back my laugh.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yup." I give him a thumbs up even though he can't see me.

"Ash told me to inform you to check the jean size. She gave you a pair from your 'give to Goodwill' stack of clothes."

That makes me feel better about myself. I hear his footsteps pad across the floor and come back. "Here." He taps on the door. I quickly slide on my sweatpants again before opening the door.

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