Chapter 5 Lost and Worried

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Chapter 5 Lost and Worried

Hey guys look who decided to come back from the dead? Yeah that's right me! I'm so so sorry that its taken me so long to start writing again but I've just been so busy with starting year 11 and with everything on the side I just couldn't find time to write,

Please forgive me and enjoy this chapter I don't know how long it's going to be. You might find it easier to read the pervious chapter before reading this one.

Tyler's P.O.V

Once Charlotte stalked off, Liam handed me a $20 note then headed over to the fields to work.

When I turn around I see Leah staring at me with wide eyes

"Why did you do that?" She demands with anger in her eyes

"Just because, OhKay Leah? it's grown up stuff, so don't tell mum or dad" I say walking past her and up into the house when she doesn't follow me I turn around to see her skipping over to Liam and Kevin, it makes me smile seeing Leah and her father together I'm glad that she gets to spend time with him whereas I don't even know my fathers name because mum doesn't like to talk about him.

Once I'm finished my chores; which take about two hours I head downstairs to see that it is raining pretty hard outside and also that mum has made lunch. I sit down in my usual seat and dig into the pasta, gosh it tastes so good!

"Has anyone seen Charlotte? I haven't seen her all morning" My mum asks

"She said that she was going to go on a walk this morning didn't know how long she was going to be and not to worry she would be fine" I replied. Mum must of believed my lie because she went back to eating her pasta, I can't help the horrible feeling that rises in the back of my mind something terrible is going to happen to Charlotte if she doesn't come home soon.

Charlotte's P.O.V

After I stormed off into the fields I felt something cold and wet hit my skin, I look up at the grey sky only for it to start poring down. Once I found shelter under a tree I wondered what was happening back at home? Did anyone even know that I was missing? Doesn't seem like it, I sighed to my self.

"Wake up!" is the thing I hear waking me up from my comfortable sleep! I look up to find myself staring into the forest green eyes of a tall handsome looking guy, "Um h-h-ello" I say mentally cursing myself for stuttering,

"Hi I'm Jamie, I was just wondering why you were sitting out here under a tree while its raining cats and dogs?" the sex-god Jamie asks me with a questioning look, "I wanted to explore?" It comes out as more of a question, as i sit here doing a mental happy dance as I didn't stutter, Jamie looks at me and just by looking at him I can tell that he doesn't buy my answer, and I thank the gods when he doesn't push for a better one, just offering me a hand so that I can get up, "let's go back to my place and find you something dry to wear" he has already walked off with me standing rooted to the spot picturing what his house is going to look like. Once we get to his house I talk note that its not as big as my mums house but it's certainly big.

" I'll just go and find you some clothes" Jamie saying walking up some stairs, he comes back down holding a men's shirt and some sweatpants. Once he directs me to the shower I sigh noting that not everyone here was mean, after I shower I walk back out into the living room, to find Jamie in an intense make out session with some blonde girl that I've never seen, I cough loudly making them jump apart, "could I please borrow your phone, to ring my mum" I question Jamie points to the phone not even bothering to take his eyes off the blonde when I grab the phone I notice that no one else is home, I put the phone up to my ear after dialling the number when I hear the loudest moan ever

"Argh Jamie" omg I think to myself are they having sex on the kitchen counter? Yes they're having sex in the kitchen counter, not an image I want in my head.

Karen's P.O.V

I've started pacing! What is the world coming to? I, Karen do not pace, "honey stop pacing, you're giving me a headache" Kevin was sitting on our bed smirking at me "I can't help it! Charlottes been missing since early morning, Kevin aren't you worried? she doesn't even know her way around!"

"She will be fi-" Kevin is cut off by the phone ringing. "Hello" I say trying to catch my breath, yes I sprinted to the phone, you got a problem with that? Good didn't think so.

"Mum? is that you"

"Charlotte? Charlotte is that you?"

"Yes, mum cat you please come and pick me up? I'm at this guys house, he said that his name if Jamie? if that helps"

"I will be there soon, just stay put" franticly I hang up the phone while looking for some shoes, "what are you doing" Kevin asks while I dance around the room,

"Charlotte rung! but I'm going to have to hurry and pick her up"

"Why is she out in the rain?"

"Worse, she at the Raines place!"


And finished!!!! Yay! So why do you think Karen hate the Raine family? Whats going to happen if Karen finds out the truth about why Charlotte stormed off? Oh we'll you'll just have to wait and see.

I'm currently emailing the start of this book to my friend Michelle so she can edit it! Which I am so thankful for!! Thank you baby girl!!! I love you!!! <3:)

Until next time, my friends


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2014 ⏰

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