Chapter 2 Meeting my family

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Chapter 2 Meeting my family

When I don't say anything my brother speaks up "see I told you she would be dumb but you didn't listen to me you kept going on about how smart she was and that she was perfect"

"Excuse me! Did you just call me dumb? And just letting you know nobody's perfect! No one, how would you react if you just meet your mother and brother? Please tell me!? I almost yell! When he doesn't answer I open my mouth to speak again "so what are you names again?"

"We'll I'm Karen and that's Tyler" Karen answers

"It's really nice to meet you Karen and I guess it's ok to meet you to" When I say that Karen nods and starts driving, after about ten minutes we pull into a long drive way "woah who lives here?" I ask anyone

"We do and now you do to" Karen replied getting out of the car I follow soon after grabbing my bags at the same time. When we get inside I gasp it's so beautiful.

"Wow this place is lovely" I tell Karen

"Thank you Charlotte, Liam come down here quick please" I wonder who Liam is, a guy with sandy coloured hair comes over and hugs Karen while I'm left wondering who he is when Karen answers my silent questions,

"Oh honey this is your step brother Liam, your half sister Leah and step father Kevin should be home soon, Liam could you please show Charlotte to her room? Thank you" Karen says

We walk up the stairs and past four doors we come to a halt outside a light purple door Liam opens it and walks In I walk in and am greeted with a really pretty room.

"This is your room, I have to go talk to you later, bye" Liam says walking out the door. I un-pack all my clothes and decorate my walls then sit on my bed I decide to text Evan

To: Evan :)

Hey bby:) how r u? Do u miss me yet? I meet my mum and brother today! But wait there's more I also meet my step brother and am waiting for my half sister and step dad to come home! And I'm bored there's nothing to do but omg they have a huge house! I'm really scared what happens if my step dads mean? Help me, we'll I g2g text you soon! Love ya

I push send smiling I'm just sitting on my bed playing on my IPad when there's a knock on my door and Karen pokes her head through the door,

"Leah and Kevin are home so it's time to met them" she says dragging me out of the room and down the hall the last thing I remember thinking is here goes nothing.


Hey guys second Chapter :) I wonder what Kevin and Leah will be like? Will they like Charlotte? Will Charlotte like them? Who knows ;) Until next time :)


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