"Hey! That's my good pillow!" I exclaimed.

"Be patient." Bonnie said with excitement. I looked at Elena and she was also confused with what's going on.


Bonnie pulled out some of the feathers and spread them over my bed and hopped back on. "I need you guys to swear to secrecy." She said.

"It's kind of a bad week for that kind of stuff." Elena said.

"Swear 'cause I'm not supposed to be showing you this." Bonnie insisted.

Elena and I looked at each other before we agreed to keep whatever she's going to show us a secret. "Okay, we swear." I told her.

"There's no windows open, right?" She asked and we nodded.


"There's no fan. No air conditioning." She said.

"None. What are you doing?" I asked. "Grams just showed me this. You're gonna love it." She said looking excited.

"You guys ready?" She looked at us rubbing her hands. I breathed in preparing for what she's about to show us.

Bonnie raised her hand and a feather floated into the air and my jaw dropped. How is she doing that?

"Bonnie what's going on?" Elena asked her.

Bonnie doesn't respond and used both hands, several more feathers start to float in the air at her calling.

"Oh my god." I breathed.

The feathers start to float around the room and I stare at them in amazement. A smile was spreading across my face as I reached out to touch them.

Elena was just as amazed as I was.

"It's true, you guys. Everything my Grams told me. It's impossible and it's true." She said and I looked at her.

"I'm a witch." She said.

"I believe you." I told her.

We hung out in my room still amazed that Bonnie's a witch. After finding out Stefan and Damon are vampires it didn't surprise me that much when Bonnie said she was a witch.

"It's weird huh? After all this time joking about being psychic. I really am a witch." Bonnie said.

"I never would have expected this." I told her still amazed.

"You guys don't think I'm a freak now, do you?" She asked worried about our judgement of her.

"No, of course not." I said.

"Bonne I just... don't understand though. If your Grams asked you to keep it all a secret, why did you tell us?" Elena asked.

"You guys are my best friends. I can't keep secrets from you." She said honestly.

What she said made us nervous because we were both keeping a secret from her but we can't tell anyone not even her. It was worrying.

~ ~ ~ Nightfall ~ ~ ~

After Bonnie left I kicked Elena out of my room because it was my personal space. I got a call from Caroline saying she was throwing a party at the grill which was odd because I don't remember today being anything special.

Elena went to Stefan's to start things over with him but she came back looking upset. Apparently she met this girl in a towel at his place. I smirked in amusement at the fact she was being jealous.

Well that what happens when you throw away a hot chunky guy like Stefan.

I thought nothing could free me from this boredom so I figured I should just go this party Caroline threw so I went to get ready.

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