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~   Become detached and move from a higher to a lower level, typically rapidly and without control.
So, I have a thing for falling. Not even on things. I can trip on things that don't even exist. Just good old falling. Always. When I was small, I even managed to fall out of my crib. (Onto my sofa, don't worry) My parents didn't know what to do. But then there was this long stretch of time when I didn't fall. For quite a few years.

After 7 years since the crib-thingy, I fell.


When I looked down, I wasn't even crying. I was just plain shocked. I stared at the deep gash in my knee.




That was all I thought. I sat down at the stairs, where I had the mighty fall. I stared at it for what seemed like a millennia. Then they found me, my parents. My mom's reaction was what made me cry. One moment philosophy, the other tears.

What boggled my mind was one fact that stood out boldly.

I was wearing jeans.

Now I know that you're probably thinking "What does wearing jeans have to do with anything?"

See, when I say jeans, I mean thick, original denim jeans. And when I say gash, I mean very, very deep gash. My whole knee was scraped. Each time I thought about it, I shivered, thinking what would have happened if I was wearing shorts.

Anyway, back to the fall. Ever since that day, I almost fell 6 times a week.


So, fast-forward (I know, again!) a few years till we reach 2017. All dreams come true. Your favorite destination. Woo-hoo. Yippee-ki-yay and all that. It's been two months since I ever fell.


That's a lot. 

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