"I would but it looks like she's with your girlfriends"

I looked back at the bench as Mariana shook Mitch's girlfriend, Stephanie's hand.

"Your parents are over there" I pointed out.

"They're getting interviewed, the public can't know I'm annoying"

"What would the fans think?" I asked in a teasing tone.

I don't think Mitch realized though because he nodded.


Auston chuckled as I rolled my eyes and skated away from them.

"Hey love" I said getting Mariana's attention.


I smiled at her.

"Take a lap with me?" I asked.

She stood up and slipped on her mittens.

"I'll see you ladies later"

I took her hand and helped her on the ice.

"Lead the way Mr. Nylander"

I smiled and rolled my eyes before I began skating.

"Was that an eyeroll?"

I turned and smiled.

"My dad doesn't even like to be called Mr. Nylander. Why would I like it?" I asked.

She lightly giggled and shrugged.

"What about Nylander?"

I scrunched up my nose and grinned when she bumped into me as I stopped.

"Will is fine" I told her.

She smiled and nodded as she looked up at me. 

"Are you excited about tonight?"

"I'm curious to know how your dress looks like" I admitted.

She winked before turning her attention to my scarf.

"Alex is bummed he's not meeting you" I stated.

"I'll eventually meet him"

I nodded.

"My sisters like you" I mentioned.


"My mom told me" I told her.

Mariana was braiding their hair this morning before we went out for breakfast and my mom had mentioned that the girls really liked Ana. 

"Are you cold?" I asked.

She shook her head and I pressed my palm against her cheek. Her cheek was warm from the scarf she was wearing.

"Esme wants me to get ready at Auston's"

I scrunched up my nose and she laughed.

"I told her your sisters wanted me to do their hair"

"I mean that is true" I replied.

I leaned in and gave her a quick kiss.


I grinned.

"What?" I asked.

She was not a big person when it came to PDA.


I smiled.

"No?" I asked.

She nodded and smiled as I gave her a quick kiss.

"Someone is going to take a picture"

I shrugged.

"I'm not hiding anything and neither are you" I told her.

"I know, I just like my privacy"

After I followed her on Instagram she set her profile to private. 

"I like that about you" I said.

She smiled and put her arms around my waist.

"Want to head out?" I asked.

"Not yet"

I nodded and she lightly tapped my butt.

"You know that's not fair" I stated as she pulled away.

She laughed and I watched as she skated away from me. I gave her a five second head start before I heard her shriek as I bolted over to her. I pulled her up and kissed her cheek after I spun her a few times. Just the sound of her giggle made my heart swell up.

A/N: I wasn't going to post again today, but I'm in a good mood. :)

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