❝oh my disney❞ » chapter eleven

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        "What did you do?"

        "Why do you assume that it's my fault?" I glared at him, and he laughed. "Ha! I got you to laugh! You forgive me now, right?" I tried, but he didn't give in.

        "You're even acting like him," he mumbled.

        "Am not!"

        "Oh, really? You've got pictures of Rapunzel up everywhere, a cup that looks like Chip from Beauty and the Beast on your dresser, and you're suddenly acting like you can actually tolerate Disney," Will argued. "And I saw you leaving the park the other day humming to yourself like Ariel - just a few weeks ago, you wouldn't have been caught dead singing a Disney song," he pointed out.

        I sputtered, trying to come up with explanations. "The pictures are for when I'm doing my make-up, the cup is for when I get thirsty, and the tolerating Disney part..." I trailed off, trying to think of a good believable excuse. "That's a tough one," I admitted, giving up.

        "Alice, it's cool," Will smiled, putting a hand on my shoulder. "I don't care if you go out with Max - just don't lie to me, okay? We have to stick together - we can't do our jobs if we're at each other's throats. That involves being honest, okay?" I nodded, but pulled away.

        "Okay - but I'm not going out with Max," I clarified.

        Will smirked. "But you want to, don't you?"

        I stared at the floor. "I..."

        "Five minutes to curtain, you two," a voice on the intercom informed us, cutting me off. Will looked at me expectantly, but I dodged answering his question, partially because we didn't have much time until the show - and partially because I didn't exactly know how to word that answer either. One step at a time, Alice.

        "But Alice-" Will stopped me as I walked out the door without another word on the subject.

        "You heard her - five minutes to curtain, Eugene," I scolded, grinning.

        "Fine - but I better be the best man at your wedding," he teased.

        "Oh, be quiet," I grinned. And with that, Will and I got in our places and waited for the curtains to rise, both smiling to ourselves with a reassurance that everything was going to be alright between us - as friends.

        One down, two to go.

➳ ➳ ➳

        "Grace, Bradley. Bradley, Grace."

         "Alice, what do you think you're doing?" Grace hissed. 

        I grinned, "Introducing you to someone more... your type."

        Grace (dressed as Wendy) was standing to my right, as Bradley (our honorary Gaston of three years) was standing to my left, both looking sufficiently nervous to meet one another. Bradley was so built that he didn't even need to wear the padding on his arms like our previous Gaston's had - which was exactly why I thought that he would be perfect to impress Grace. Anything to get her to stay away from Max was something that I was willing to try. My job in this whole operation; to get them to actually speak to each other. 

        "Gaston, Wendy. Wendy, Gaston," I repeated when neither of them said anything. 

        "Uh, hi," Grace greeted him shyly. This girl had a shy side? Since when? The only side of her I'd seen was her nasty one - and up until now, I'd assumed that that was the only side she had. Bradley didn't skip a beat before kneeling and planting a kiss on her hand - either he was the old-fashioned type, or just really getting into character before his shift started. Grace giggled and blushed exactly as Wendy would - which actually looked kind of cool from my standpoint, despite the fact that their two characters were from completely different movies. Still, I much preferred this to Max being in Bradley's place, so I wasn't complaining.

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