Welp. i got tagged.

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  Ayyy how ya diddly doin my fellow weirdos? So I got tagged by OreosAndAvocados and apparently I have to answer questions or something??? I dunno this is the first time this has happened and I ain't too sure how this works... But imma try dammit.

Q:whats your name?
A:The name's Meredith. I ain't gonna tell ya my last name for safety reasons.

Q:favorite subject?
A: the bus home... it's lit.

Q:Favorite colors?
A:mainly Blue, black, red and white.

Q:favorite YouTubers?
A: the main three. Jack Mark and Pewds, BUT OF COURSE WE CAN'T FORGET THE QUEEN SHANE DAWSON BOIIIIIIIIIIII I fracking love that guy.

A:14, turning 15 May 21

Q:battery percentage?

Q:home screen wallpaper?

If you can't tell then yes that is a picture of Castiel spazzing out in space

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If you can't tell then yes that is a picture of Castiel spazzing out in space. Now I find this so funny because my lock screen is this:

 Now I find this so funny because my lock screen is this:

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Yeah I know I'm a HUGE weirdo.

Q:favorite AUs?
A:pretty much all of them. There are some that I don't know about yet but all of them are different and I think that's awesome.

Q:favorite Undertale character?
A: Sans. I mean I am a bit of a Sans fangirl and shit but I like the guys mainly because of his personality, I mean I love puns and I'm also a lazy fuck. I can just relate to the dude ya know?

A: OreosAndAvocados DetectiveOburiMohn NightStarWarrior Cuteness86 BingeWatchAnime202

A: I'm single as FUCK.

A: I'm a girl. AND I FUCKIN' HATE IT I WISH I WAS A BOY DAMMIT. But oh well guess I gotta live with it... ;-;

A: I'm bisexual my dudes, 👈😎👈

Q:bad habits?
I fall asleep in class and I don't pay attention cause I'm always too tired to do anything but sleep. I sleep way too much yet it takes me hours to even get the urge to fall asleep. Aka insomnia. I tend to stare blankly at objects for an uncomfortable amount of time including people. I'm weird and random as fuck and that can lead to bad things sometimes. There's a hella lot more but I'm too lazy to list all of them.

A: I got three brothers, ones a teenager, he's 16 and  older than me and he likes to call me faggot sometimes but he can be cool. Ones 12 and he's younger than me. He leaves his shit everywhere including my room and that bugs me cause the house is already trashed to hell, he's also a disrespectful little shit but he can also be cool. Ones 9 and he's got mild ADHD so as you can imagine he's bouncing off the walls and sexually abusing the dog and me to a certain degree. AND I CAN'T STOP HIM. EVERY TIME I YELL AT HIM OR HIT HIM ACROSS THE BACK OF THE HEAD OR SOMETHING MY MA YELLS AT ME. Yeah our family's kinda fucked.

Q: favorite video game?
A: Undertale (of course) Legend Of Zelda Twilight princess (MY CHILDHOOD) and a few others that I'm really digging but I haven't beaten them yet.

Alrighty tighty so the rules be i gotta tag ten peeps and they do the same thing as me, answer all these questions and then they tag ten peeps.












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