I walked up the stairs.


I filled up the soldiers glasses as Thomas walked out of the library, glancing for a moment then looking away as he walked with his head held high.

"Sergeant, one moment" I heard Dr. Clarkson say as he approached him. "I hear you're becoming mighty imperious in your manner with the staff here, I'm Daisy in particular.

Just because you're a poacher turned gamekeeper, there is no need for rudeness" I sniggered to myself, Thomas clenched his jaw. "No, sir"

"So mind what I say" he looked at Thomas for a moment "Carry on" Thomas walks out of the house as Sr. Clarkson walked over to Mrs. Hughes.

"I've done as you've asked, Mrs. Hughes. I think Barrow's taken it on board" she handed him his coat. "He's getting grander than Lady Mary, and that's saying something"

He chuckled as she walked away. He looks to me and smiled before walking towards the door. "Lady Grantham" he said to Cora as she walked in.

"Dr. Clarkson" she greeted as she walked upstairs.


"It was bates. I saw him watching you. He must of gone straight to the Major and sneaked in you the moment your back was turned" Mrs. O'Brien said from her seat in front of me as she was sewing.

I rolled my eyes as I sat writing my letter to Shelagh. "Oh, well. Some things never change" Thomas said from his place leaning against Mr. Car sons chair.

I stopped writing and looked at the pen in my hand. "Maybe it wasn't Mr. Bates" their heads snapped to me "What?" Thomas spat.

I looked to him "It wasn't Mr. Bates who ratted you out" I closed the cap onto my pen, I folded the piece of paper as I stood up.

I walked passed Thomas. He grabbed onto my arm tight. "You little snake" he spat. "Don't talk to me about being a snake" he squeezed harder.

"Don't challenge me" he grumbled. "Believe me, you're not much of a challenge" I jerked my arm out of his harsh grip. "Piss off" I walked away.

"You made me this way!" I kept walking "What is going on out here?" Asked Mrs. Hughes as I met her halfway down the hall.

"Look here, Mrs. Hughes to your rescue. She wouldn't be coming to your rescue, none of them. If they knew who you really are.

They all think you this little innocent thing, but you're not. Tell them, tell them what you said to me three years ago. And why we aren't close like we used to be. Tell them how you fucked up!"

I stood in the middle of the hallway, Mrs. Hughes looking from Thomas to me. Mr. Carson came out of his office and watch along with everyone else.

"Do you want to tell them, or shall I?" I clenched my jaw. "Do you want to tell them how you told me that you wanted me to die in the war, that you wished it with all your heart that I wouldn't come back. Unless I was in a body bag!"

I could hear his footsteps inching closer to me, one by one. I clenched my fists. "How you didn't love me, when I poured my heart out to you!" I turned around.

A Lady and her Footman (a Downton Abbey Fanfiction/Thomas Barrow)Where stories live. Discover now