“Your yappers are pretty quick but yer ship not so much.” Eventually one of my crew members insulted.

“She is too!”

“Is not!”

“She’s way better just look at her! Your ship is the it.”

   Before we knew it our crew had returned to the ships and prepared for a race. By the time I was no longer zonked I went to the wheel and waited for the go signal. After hearing the familiar shot we began and soared threw the night. After four races we were BS4E again I’m not sure which one of us came up with “buds since forever” it’s been too long. Everything seemed majestic and flabbergasting which probably influenced our moods. However we argue repeatedly over the fact that he’s turned into the equally infamously notorious Captain Edward Kenway that he had been nicknamed with. At first I couldn’t understand how he got my last name but he explained that people seem to believe that Ed is my grandpa! Knowing that this part in his epic rumors is in my eyes humorous he uses it relentlessly to win or settle arguments. I watched as our crews board our ships and look at my fellow assassin something seems off about him. He called out to me again and I nod my head as I take my place as captain. We sail back to our main base, owned by Mary, whom owns the vineyard as well.

    A curse escapes Ed’s lips as we see twelve Templers awaiting us at the docks. We get out and attempt to walk right by them like nothing happened. One templar pushes at my shoulder and takes his stance just like all the others. I sigh as I enter mine it’s a shame they want to die this badly. The one who pushed me lounges at me I quickly spin and unleash my hidden blade as I quick slash to his ribs. Two more come at me with their bayonets. Edward is taking on four guys right now. I roll and jog away from the other two as I go back and shove my hidden blade through the first guy chest after disarming him. The look of horror on his face the forever scream that never resounded didn’t disturb me. I spun around to the other two but now they have more friends. Now six guys are looking to kill me and they are a little ways off so they decide to shoot. As the six rounds fire I take cover behind a barrel. Not even a second goes by when I leap from cover and rush towards them. I baseball slide under one guys legs and cut both of his thighs as I do so.  Kick his booty to the ground and toss my tomahawk in his back. Yea it’s tomahawk time! I toss my other tomahawk in one guys eye as I pull my right handed one from the corpse. The one running next him looks down at his fallen alley which gives me time to creep on him and cut his throat. Blood was on my hands even my sleeves. I groaned as I thought how difficult it is to get blood out of this color. Three redcoats left now and they stand together side by side.  I put my tomahawks away and decide to use my bow. An arrow flies into the one templar’s abdomen which causes confusion to the other two. I fight both of their bayonets with dual hidden blades. Before long their blood is pouring out onto the wooden boards of the docks. I wipe of my tools before Edward and I casually walk away. We enter the shop where we stay.

“Connor!” Angie cheers as I enter.

   She rushes over and hugs me. It feels so wrong and awkward to hug someone besides lil lady. I attempt my best to return the embrace. I look back and confirm my thoughts; Edward once again didn’t come in. Ed basically lives on his ship and the only reason he has a room here is to store his personals stuff he doesn’t even want his crew to know about. After she lets me go I nod at her and she just smiles at me, wearing a red tank, jeans, and black ankle boots. I go to my courters and sit down. I reach under my pillow and grasp a small bracelet. Dried grain is the string, a hawk feather is centerpiece, and different animal furs rolled into balls add decoration to it. I had asked my friends in the village to help me make this to cheer up my mom. We searched far and wide for the animals but that’s not what made me cherish it. As we hunted we met [Name] she was lost and wounded. At first the other boys and I just kept our distance and tried to just circle around her. She just stared at us and after we had our backs to her we were all hit with snowballs. It ignited the play in us with a snowball fight happening after. I carried her on my back as we all traveled together after the fight. Eventually we did find the animals that we were hunting for. I didn’t take her home but four blocks away which I regret even now. My mother kept the necklace with her from then on.

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