[Name]'s journey

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Chapter 12: [Name]'s journey

Everywhere I turn is darkness. I feel like the darkness around me. I rest my hand on the wall after tripping. I've been trained for this and will not fail.


I cover my mouth with my other hand. Jaysus! Where everyone at anyway? I was carrying Connor when I stumbled and he fell down a hole somewhere. Now I'm in the dark alone. I'm alone again. No matter what wind-rider doesn't stay too long.

"Connor! Eddy! Ave!" I call for my friends.

I walk a few more steps. I start to hear a tapping or thumping sound. The beat is constant and echoes louder the closer I get. I'm back at the hole I fell through and it's raining outside. If I can walk the path again I'll find Connor's hole. Leaving the light reminded me of my loneliness. Shortly after I was back at the hole again. There are five paths leading to the hole. I walked one way and came out another so I'll choose a different path. Going down the third path I step through the freezing rain. With the flick of my wrist I put up my hood. It's so dark.

"Come on out!" I call slightly annoyed.

All these walls seem so familiar. At the sound of my heart thrashing about, I know I'm panicking. Slower than usually I walk ahead with my arms stretched out. The tips of my fingers glide across the abrasive walls. I snatched my hand back when an insect brushed across my right middle finger. Jaysus! I took my breaths and returned to my feeling of the wall. I need to get to Connor and the others. I need to find someone.

I hate being alone. Where is my butterscotch when I need him? A shout comes out of me as I fall partly into a hole. I throw myself all the way in. I feel lighter as I slide down. I land on my butt in a pit of darkness.

"You're the reason we can't sleep." I hear Eddy say.

I jump up ready to go greet them. I cancel my call when I hear what is said next.

"We're all gonna die for this creed. [Name]'s made her choice. Respect it." Ave adds on.

"I don't care about that right now." Con-con huffs.

"Good." Ed and Aveline say in unison.

"Connor!" I call.

They come running to me and I to them. I feel those familiar large arms pull me into a hug. I'm showered in his warmth and kisses. When we separate I hold his hand.

"Well the gang's all here." Edward jokes.

"Let's search this place." I suggest. "Might find something cool."

"You sound like Ed." Wind-rider sighs.

"A plundering we go." Eddy sings.

As we walk Edward and Connor talk about ship stuff. Ave hasn't spoken a word since I came. Even so the four of us walk around in the dark following her.

"Do you know where you're going?" I finally ask.

Aveline takes her gun out the holster and shoots down the hall. From the flash of the gun we see the walls filled with caskets.

"A tomb?" Connor whispers.

"An assassin's burial site..." Ed mumbles. "...where are the traps?"

"Why would Mr. Auditore send us here?" I question.

"Look sharp. Hoods up." Aveline orders.

Knowing we're on sacred ground makes me feel uneasy. Ave's cool demeanor and ability to navigate this maze starts to raise my suspicions. We reach an opening and she stops us. She taps Ed and he jumps down. I hear a few muffled cries and then hear an engine powering on. Instantly the whole catacombs were a lit with blue light. Some weird wheel machine was spinning. Looks like Sonic the Hedgehog powering a Ferris wheel.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2016 ⏰

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