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     One hand holds the meat and the other cuts. I used my left hand to hold the goat body as I begin to sever the body with my knife. White long sleeved polo shirt, American eagle jeans, and moccasins. My sleeves are rolled up to my elbows and I’m wearing a bloody apron. My hair is tied back into a ponytail but I refuse to wear the hair net. [Name} thinks it makes me look like a jellyfish and I agree. The shop is quiet since everyone else is either at the deli or the restaurant. After butchering the animal into appropriate portions and properly packing it away I toss my apron and butcher knife on the table. Role my sleeves back down to my wrists and put on my white jacket with hood. The hoodie belonged to Achilles Davenport but after I enrolled in his private tutoring I earned it from him. I zipped it up and flip on my hood. I strolled out the door to the shop but stopped. I turned around and grab my backpack and keys. Now I promenade out of the slaughter house making sure to lock it of course.

      I go to our family’s restaurant to see if grandpa has a task for me. As I enter the waiters at the door smile at me. All three of the family’s businesses are built by grandpa and my dad, mahogany wood with eighteenth century Italian style furniture for each establishment. The decorations are done by my deceased mother

Kaniehtí:io all in honor of our people. I walk to the counter where my grandfather is. As far as I can see he is wearing a black v-neck shirt. Even in old age it is easy to see he keeps in good shape.

“Connor…how are you fairing?” Grandpa asks as he stares at me.

“Well sir.” I reply as I fold my hands behind my back.

“Does this mean you’re going to mate with Achilles daughter soon?”

“Altaïr!” Grandma squeaks as she hits his right bicep.

     My form tenses as my mind breaks from the shock. I decide it’s best to remain silent. A short scratchy chuckle escapes grandpa as he looks at his wife. The only person in the room that seems to be embarrassed by the comment is her. Her face is almost as red as the t-shirt she is wearing.

Tesoro don’t you like [Name]?” Grandpa asks.

     Grandma just nods her head in a shameful manner. I suspect this type of teasing from my dad but hardly from my grandpa.

“Ezio get in here and look at how tall your son has grown!” Grandpa screams.

      Moments later my dad comes up to the counter. Dad’s wearing fresh timberlands, American eagle blue khakis, and white tank top. He grabs me by my shoulders and turns me completely to him as he scans me.

“How can you tell? We both seen my boy last night and I don’t see any difference.” Dad says as he lets me go.

“Ha do you think I will share all my tricks with you Ezio?”

“What are you getting at?”

“Both of you come let’s take a walk.”

    Grandpa swiftly comes from behind the counter and makes his way to the door. As he is about to open the door however it opens for him and he sees that it is Achilles daughter, [Name]. They both exchange smiles as she comes towards me. We are both now the age of seventeen yet I still am drawn back at how much she’s developed. Ah there I go thinking like dad again.

“Mornin’ wind rider.” She greets.

“Indeed how be you?”

“Mrs. Chestnut is giving out money to anyone that helps her deliver mail.”

“Are you sure she’s giving out actual money?”

“With my own eyes, so you in?”

     Mrs. Chestnut is a carrier and usually gives hard candy to someone after they help her. I would love to take part in this adventure with her but I see my grandpa and dad shaking their heads no in the background. I grit my teeth as I watch her eyes ogle into mine. I frown as I give her a sympathetic look.

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