"quiet," Ryan said as he walked towards the always-running water. all three of them heard the sirens a while ago, meaning Helen was here with backup. if only she'd hurry up...

Philip noticed Ryan kneel next to the stream, putting the gun down. Philip and Lukas drew in a sharp breath and exhaled in relief when they saw Ryan placing the gun in its holster.

Philip and Lukas moved closer together against the thick trunk of the tree as if they were coiled together by an invisible string. he could feel Lukas' chest rising up and down fast against his shoulder. they weren't tied up or handcuffed or anything, so if they could just get enough courage to turn and run, if they could find a better place to hide away, maybe they'd get out.

oh how he wished he would've stayed with Ezra and Gabe at the hospital.

they saw Ryan dip his hand in the water and bring it over his face. he mustn't have slept in a while. his black shirt and jeans were wrinkled and his hair was a greasy mess and his fingernails were picked raw, and Philip found himself feeling a little sorry for him and not scared. he realized he actually started to believe Ryan would not hurt them. he believed Ryan wouldn't be able to if he tried.

"Helen is on her way," Philip said, his voice gentle, as if Ryan was a little kid. "you can let us go now. we didn't do anything, okay? we don't even know what you want."

"huh. that's funny." Ryan turned and smiled without meaning it. "i've been a cop for so long. don't think you can fool me, Philip."

Lukas tensed up next to Philip. "don't try anything."

Ryan turned back to the stream, his hand awfully close to his holster. Philip turned to the sky and saw they still had a good couple of hours before the sun rose. he could get Lukas' phone — Ryan had taken his — and turn on the flashlight to help Helen figure out where they were.

"don't do anything stupid." Lukas was looking at Philip intently. Philip rolled his eyes. "why? your ass is too afraid to actually try something to get outta here?"

"no. if you try anything Ryan will hurt you, and i don't want that."

Philip looked at the ground, and when he heard something coming from a distance, he jumped slightly. his name was being called? could it be Helen? he shook his head. better not to get his hopes up. he dismissed it, but saw Ryan's head snap up. he grinned.

"your mom is almost here." he stood up, shaking the excess water off his hand and drawing his gun. he pointed it upwards and pulled the trigger once, twice. bang bang. both boys shrank down to their knees. "that should help her."

Philip was breathing heavily, his exhales matching Lukas'. he closed his eyes and held his breath. "Lukas?" he whispered. "Lukas, i'm kinda scared." Philip chuckled lightly after hearing his voice come out so high.

he felt Lukas shift, then an arm wrap itself around Philip. Lukas pulled Philip close so Philip rested against his chest and his head leaned over Philip's. "shh. it's okay. i won't let him hurt you, alright? no one will hurt you ever again." Philip shuddered in Lukas' arms. "It's alright, Philip. i'm sorry for all the shit i put you through. you didn't deserve it, none of it. do you know how much it hurt seeing you around with Ezra? i've fallen shit loads of times from my motorbike and believe me when i say none of those compared to the pain i felt seeing you with him. i thought i'd lost you forever — and i knew it was my fault which made it even more unbearable. i'm so sorry."

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