Chapter 13 : The Reponse

Start from the beginning

Jack was quiet as he ate. He didn't make any jokes or even looked at me straight. I wonder what happened.

Was it the kiss?


"So, Prince Hans, could you tell me more about this Queen." I asked. Not that I was interested. I just needed his fear to make me stronger.

He started blabbing the descriptions of this Queen.

"S-She is the Queen of this kingdom, Arendelle. She has powers over ice and snow..."

"What did you say?"

"She's the Queen of Arendelle?"

"No! You fool! The other one!"

"She has powers over ice and snow?"

"Yes! That one!"

Ice and Snow. It reminds me of that blasted newbie guardian, Jack Frost. 'Oh. I make snow days and winter and all that crappy stuff.' I mocked him in my head.

"Tell me, have you seen a young man with pale white hair who wears a blue hoodie and brown trousers?"


"Blast it! How about a weird experience with Ice or snow lately? I asked the prince once more.

"Well just a while ago, someone was throwing snowballs at me. But it wasn't Queen Elsa." He answered.

"Oh dear. He's so easy to find." I snickered.

"Who is?" Hans questioned.

"Jack Frost."

But before targeting him, I'll first grab the attention of the man in the moon. Then the Guardians then... Get ready Frost.


I remained silent during dinner hoping that Elsa would be the one to initiate the conversation.

I noticed that she kept looking at me. Probably waiting for me to talk to her but, no.

I made my move. Your turn, Ice Queen.

"That chicken was delicious, Kristoff!" Anna exclaimed.

"I'm glad you liked it." Satisfaction can be seen on Kristoff's face as Anna was praising his cooking skills.

I just laughed silently at how they were acting towards each other.

"Time for desserts?" Anna asked as she looked at me as if she was asking for my permission.

"Go on ahead. I'll just finish my dinner." I responded.

She took 5 pieces of chocolate for herself and 5 pieces for Kristoff as well.

"Elsa, how many do you want?" She asked her sister who had just fed herself a spoonful of chicken.

Elsa immediately swallowed the food in her mouth. "I'll be having three, thank you."

Anna served her 3 of my deliciously made chocolates.

"Oh my gosh! Jack, this is amazing! The sweetness is perfect!" Anna acclaimed.

I humbly smiled at her as I finished my dinner and took 5 pieces of chocolate, same as Anna and Kristoff and gobbled them all up.

"Thank you to the men who made our delicious dinner for tonight." Anna said, teasingly.

"No problem." said Kristoff.

"Anytime." I added.

"Do you guys mind if I go ahead? My head is starting to ache." I told them.

"Aww. Okay. Hope you feel better soon." said Anna.

"See you guys tomorrow." I grabbed my staff from the corner and off I go.


As Jack was leaving, Anna was signaling me to go after him.

"Really? Do I have to??" I asked her.

"Yes. Now hurry!" She said.

Here goes nothing.

"Jack, wait! I'm coming with you." I called.

Jack turned around and waited for me to approach him.

It was weird that he wasn't talking so I decided to speak up.

"So, uhm- Jack. Is there something wrong?" I asked.

"No, nothing's wrong. Why do you ask?"

"Oh nothing. It's just that you were so quiet back there." I told him.

"Hey, don't worry. Nothing's wrong." He looked at me with those clear blue eyes.

I just can't help but be hypnotized by it. They were so blue. Like mine.

It was silent once again.

"Here we are." Jack said as we arrived in front of my room. "I will be sleeping in the guest room tonight, so that you can sleep peacefully."

"What? Why?" I randomly asked.

What the hell, Elsa?

Jack just looked at me confused.

"Stay. Stay here. Please?" I started to blush as I asked him.


Woah. Elsa is asking me to stay with her. I can't believe that she's actually letting me stay. I mean, this is a good thing. Right?

"Okay." I smiled at her.

We entered her room and it was somehow awkward since we were not talking to each other.

"Hey, I know this is weird to ask, considering that I know you for 2 days already but, do you want some shoes or boots to cover your feet?" Elsa asked.

Okay. That was indeed awkward and weird. But I didn't want to upset Elsa so I just answered.

"Maybe. Why?"

She started to go through some boxes.

"I think I might have a pair of winter boots that would fit you." she said.

"You have boots? For men? In your closet?"

"I was supposed to give it to my father when he gets back from his journey but unfortunately, he didn't, so I guess I'll just give it to you."

"Oh Okay. Your choice." I told her.

"Here it is." Elsa said with eyes gleaming with excitement. "Try them on."

I tried on the pair of boots and just as she said, it fit me.

"Just right. Not to tight or loose." I chuckled.

"That's yours now." Elsa said. "My peace offering."

She walked towards me, placed her hands on my shoulders, tiptoed and... I felt something on my cheek.

"Thank you. For everything." She said as her cheeks flushed.

Did she just...kiss me?

That time, I was left speechless.

I kept on following her with my eyes as she sat on the edge of her bed, her gaze out the window. Moonlight shining on her pale skin and platinum blonde hair.

The Queen of Arendelle, the Ice Queen, Elsa, kissed me on my cheek.

Everything was simply perfect.

Soooo, do you like it? Haha.. Elsa's returning the favor by kissing Jack on the cheek! Ü this is all so exciting. I can't wait for the next chapter to pop up in my head. Haha!

I want to give credit to my friend Jam for being my editor-in-chief. Haha. Her wattpad user name is MissEve. This story would not be possible without her. Ü thank you for reading. Feel free to comment or suggest something.. ^^ ~karyned23

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