Chapter 2

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"Ladies and gentlemen, a very good morning to you indeed. This is an announcement from the flight deck and I am Shweta Behura, your first officer for the day. On behalf of pilot in command, and the cabin team, I would like to give you a warm welcome aboard SpiceJet airlines flight, abc-123. Our morning service from Hyderabad to Delhi. After departure from the main runway at Hyderabad, we turned right and proceeded out bound in a north-north West direction towards Delhi. After departure we saw the beautiful twin cities of Secunderabad and Hyderabad. We will be passing by the cities of Nagpur, Bhopal and Jaipur before we descend into Delhi. Today we plan to cruise at level 350, which is about 11 kilometers above the surface of the mean sea level. At a speed of Mach decimal 80. Which is 80% of the speed of sound. At this speed we expect to complete our journey within the next two and a half hour, which makes out ETA into Delhi at 11.30am. This is subjective to the traffic and weather conditions enroute, and in Delhi. We expect minor turbulence today towards the later half of the journey, so do respect the seat belt signs when they come on. Our cabin team is there for your safety and comfort so don't hesitate to contact them if there is anything we can to to make your flight more comfortable. Sit back, relax and enjoy your journey," the pilot announced as the passenger completed their half journey. Ayesha was bored and the pilot's monologue served as the only source of interest. After hearing the announcement, she slept till the landing announcement woke her up.

As soon as she exited from the airport, the taxi drivers, auto rickshaw drivers hounded around her. She at random selected a taxi driver and asked him to drive to Rajiv Chowk, the location of her guest house.

But suddenly through the rearview mirror she noticed that the driver was ogling her in a strange way rather than concentrating on the road. She decided to teach him a lesson for life.

"Bhaiya, haven't you ever seen a girl before?" Ayesha snidely remarked. He got embarrassed and looked away from her. Ayesha then said, "Good, and the next time you do this, you will be not spared." Ayesha wasn't someone who would sit and tolerate. She was rather a person who would take a stand and rip the person apart if he or she did something wrong to her.

Ayesha reached her room, dumped  her belongings on the bed, and took a shower. The water falling down her body relaxed her weary muscles. She hadn't got proper rest from many days. She like many others, had been caught in the maze of targets, which forced her into cycles of overtimes. Whenever she got an off, she just preferred to take a shower and sleep.

After taking a shower, Ayesha changed into her favourite royal blue knee length dress. The dress accentuated her curves perfectly and showed off her toned legs. But she decided to wear a legging as she found the length to be a little shorter than she expected. After having her lunch, she searched for the nearest salon and went there for a haircut session. She got her long, luscious hair into mid shoulder length and got them curled from the bottom. It was a metamorphic change from her regular look.

After that she went to the nearest ATM and withdrew Rs20,000. Ayesha had a lot of savings since first of all she had a good salary and also she didn't have any rent, food expenses. Ayesha was a shopaholic, so her expenses mostly consisted of shopping.

She strolled through the inner and the outer circle of Connaught Place, buying a well fitted black jeans and some tops. After that she wandered in the Palika Bazaar, scouting for something good, but was in vain. Then she roamed around in Janpath, buying some funky jewellery.

She retired to her room by 7 and scrolled through her Whatsapp. It was bombarded with messages and missed calls from Ammi, so she decided to call her up.

"Hello Ammi." Ayesha said.

"Ayesha, where were you? Why didn't you call me? Me and Abba were so worried whether you reached safely there or not. And this girl doesn't even care to inform us. Alhamdulilah, I heard you now."Ammi ranted on and on until Ayesha interrupted.

"Calm down Ammi. I am okay, you got to know now na. So calm down. Sorry I should have called you earlier, but I got busy first in unpacking and all and then in shopping."she answered her panicked mother.

"Ayesha you know that the world today is really bad, especially for girls. So you should be cautious with your every step. You should not roam around too much as it can invite unwanted attention. Also call me everyday when you find time," Ayesha's mother droned on with her lecture while Ayesha just pretended to listen.

"Ammi trust me. I will be OK there. I know you are worried because of the fact that Delhi is termed to be unsafe, but you can't stop living just because of some perverts walking on the same street as me. I will adhere to all your warnings. And I will make sure that I call you everyday. Now take a chill pill and relax." Ayesha gave a reassurance to her mother.

"We have only you left with us and we can't help worrying about you. Me and Abba really love you," With that she got emotional.

"Aww I love you too. I am cutting the phone now as it is in roaming and if I continued to use it like that, I will surely end up recharging it tomorrow",Ayesha said.

"Bye. Take care",With that the line was disconnected.

Ayesha deliberated about the date to shift to the new residence and made certain that she would shift tomorrow morning.

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