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I cried myself to sleep that night, my heart was literally in shambles. was I wrong, was I wrong to feel so much for someone when I've barely known them a week? I couldn't help it though. Liam's name ran through out my head all night but I couldn't let him get to me. I had to let him go but I couldn't I really couldn't, I'm so stupid. And out of all of this what upsets me the most is that Leah knew and she couldn't just save me the trouble of embarrassment in front of Liam and just tell me. some friend huh?

My phone started ringing which woke me up, looked at it and it was Liam he actually called like 7 times. I was sort of shocked but not enough to answer. I placed back besides me and turned my back towards it. I didn't want to get out of bed so I'll just stay here but couldn't because someone rang the doorbell 'really right now'

I slowly got up and walked to the door I opened it to find Leah with a box of cupcakes she knew I was a sucker for cupcakes but I wasn't going to break I'm still really mad. I sighed and walked away but she came in

"Why aren't you answering my calls" that's right I ignored her calls too

"Because I can" I was mad, I didn't approve of my attitude but it felt appropriate

"Brett what's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me Leah, how about what's wrong with you" I turned to face her "you're such a great friend that you didn't even give me a heads up about Liam, because of you I looked stupid in front of him I thought you had my back"

"Brett I'm sorry I didn't want to be the one to tell you he wanted to tell you himself" of course she'd keep what he told her secretive Leah's good with secrets

"Leah I like him so much and it's weird because now I don't know what to say or do he's leaving and I'll be here starting all over again" I started to tear up and she came towards me to hug me and I couldn't stop her

"It's going to be ok sweetie I'm here" she hugged me tight.

I was such a mess, we sat on the couch eating cupcakes and trying to not mention his name but Leah failed "I think you should talk to him Brett..." I gave her a look "no seriously think about it Liam leaves in a few days and I doubt that whatever you two have he'll want it to end on a bad note, so I say you man up call him forgive him have the best 4 days of your life and see what happens from there" she seemed right but I didn't want to seem like I was surrendering if I called

"You're probably right"

"No not probably I am right you like him and I can tell he really likes you too Brett don't waste this" I eagerly got up

"Since when were you such a wise guy" she laughed

"I watched Oprah last night" we laughed

"I'm gonna go call him"


I ran upstairs and grabbed my phone I hesitated for about 5 minutes before I actually called and when I finally did his phone rang but the weirdest thing happened, a phone was ringing inside the house as the phone rang in my ear, then Leah called me



"You might want to come down here" so I ran downstairs and there he was standing at the door with his phone in his hand still ringing.

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