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"Brett get up" I was so lost in sleep I didn't even want to budge but my mom wouldn't take a hint "Brett wake up!" she pushed me "come on Brett i'm leaving and I need your help. I rolled over facing her

"Help with what?" I wined

"Don't you wanna say bye to me and help me with my bags?"

"Give me a sec" I slowly got up and dragged myself to my bathroom, splashed some water on my face ad came back out. "alright I'm ready" we walked out of my room and i grabbed her suitcase bringing it downstairs. "Still think you over packed" I said

"Whatever, I need you to drive me to the AirPort" is she on drugs

"What?!, You said to wake up and say bye, mom its like 6am. why couldn't you call a cab"

"Why would I do that when I have you here?" she said while patting my back. I grunted and frowned "oh come on Brett why can't you do this one thing for me?"

"I have done more than one thing for you mom"

"Whatever I'm your mother they don't count" I walked to her car with the bags and placed them in. "come on ma the sooner we leave the sooner I can come back to bed!" I yelled.. she walked towards the car and got in..

After along drive to the airport and back I was so glad to be back home. I still had time to sleep and wake up early to clean up before Liam and Leah gets here, so I set my alarm to 8 and went back to sleep.

Something was ringing and very loud, I didn't know what it was, I didn't know if I was dreaming or if it was reality but the ringing was so loud that I jumped out of bed and almost lost a foot in the process. when I stood back up the ringing stopped, and a few seconds later it started again, I jumped it was the doorbell. I froze not knowing what to do but who ever it was was very eager to get in so I ran downstairs going to open it praying to god it wasn't Liam. Unlocking the doorknob it swung open and there was Leah jumping up and down with a giant grin on her face "OMG Brett why are you still asleep!?" she pushed me aside and rushed in

"Umm because its like 7 something AM" I said putting emphasis on "AM"

"Yeah whatevs ... we have a lot to do before Liam comes so wake up"

"Leah Liam has been here before its nothing new" she seemed more nervous then me

"So what I want it to be perfect for when I meet him"

"You would have met him the day at the beach if you didn't ditch me"

"Brett Brett Brett why dwell in the past" she said while Patting my back

"Leah I would really like to go back to sleep, Liam won't be here for another 4 hours so that's plenty of time to sleep and do whatever" she rolled her eyes and headed to the living room picking things up so I followed "what are you doing?"

"Cleaning up, you can go back to bed I'll just wake you up when I'm done" without hesitation I went back to my room and plopped on the bed and tried falling back asleep but couldn't because I felt guilty leaving Leah to clean my house on her own so I got up and went back downstairs to find her almost done

"Leah how in the hell...?" she laughed

"I told you I was cleaning up... we are going to have a blast" she grinned and went back to the kitchen. I didn't understand why this was so important to Her I mean I know why it is to me but why does she want this to go great so badly.

While in the living room I yelled "Leah?"


"Can I ask you something?" I wanted to know why she wanted this to go so well


"Why do you care so much?"


"Why do you care how things go so bad? you seem to be more nervous than I am"

She walked from the kitchen wiping her hands "umm I'm just happy for you. for so long Brett all you did was is drool over guys from a distance. None of these guys were good enough for you and here comes Liam and he seems like he's able to put a smile on your face and I want to help that, I don't want you to mess this up so I'm helping" I never knew that's how she felt, I knew that she was right but I didn't actually realize it

I got up and I hugged her tightly "what would I do without you?"

She laughed "you'd probably be living under a rock... alright enough with the mushy stuff he'll be here soon so go shower and clean up"

"Alright" I went upstairs.

I'll hold my breath (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now