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First crack at trying to write a boyxboy story so forgive my screw ups and also I should apologize for not being able to stay in one tense I tend to change back and forth from past to present tense.... but I hope you like it, it wasn't easy to write.


"Come on Brett, just skip with me this one time....please" begged Leah

"You know I don't skip Leah, I'm sorry"

"Nerd.." She mumbled

"Wha- what was that?"

"Oh nothing.... Just that you are the human version of a snooze fest" Leah's a good friend but also a very bad influence

"I like to be academic, sue me!" She was starting to piss me off

"No your just an over achieving nerd" I hate how hostile she gets when she doesn't get what she wants. I wasn't up for her bull right now so I walked away "whatever".

I had classes to get to and my mind was all over the place, spring break was only 2 days away and I had no plans, I had to come up with something quick. Great I was so lost in my thoughts I was late for class, and trying to sneak in made it even worst

"Mr. Bradshaw...."

"That's me" I said jokingly

"Why are you late....class starts at-"

"12:30 I know " I said while cutting him off

"We'll finish this later Brett, take your seat and take out your assignment"

Sat down and class went on for ever I mean I love school and American history is one of my favorite subjects but I don't want to talk about " the American involvement in WWI and WWII" forever. I needed a get away, I have at least 3 more classes and I just couldn't deal with them right now..UGH what am I saying skipping is not in my vocabulary but neither was suffering and I was feeling a lot of that right now. I pondered on which of those two words hurt more and I couldn't beat suffer, so I made up my mind. since it was lunch time I would leave with Leah and we can go to the beach or something

I went looking for Leah and I found her talking to Paige so I ran and jumped behind her

"Guess what..?" I asked with a big grin

She turned to me "there's a sale somewhere?"

"Ha.... I wish but no, guess again"

"Mr. Polp is at the hospital so he couldn't come" wow she was really bad at this

"Leah you suck at guessing and no Mr. Polp is here"

"Fine whatever just tell me"

"I decided to skip with you"

She automatically smile and jumped to hug me...

"oMg yay....where should we go tho?"

"Hmm.... I was thinking the beach"

She gently shoved me and replied "Great idea"

We decided to leave during lunch so that way we'd have time to hang out on the beach...but as we're walking out there stood Ben the hottest guy in fresno in my opinion at least. He's tall, muscular, really hot and so very straight.

"Now that's my type" Leah joked around

"I know he's H-O-T!"

We walked and headed to my car. 35 minutes later we arrived to the beach and I was parking when he ran pass me, the love of my life. He was hot not Fresno hot but out of town hot, he has the world most shiniest abs, he has dirty blonde hair, with glossy green eyes, and lips I wouldn't mind bitting.

As I watched him pass by me I couldn't help but stare at his ass, it was amazing "New plan, get that guys attention as much as possible" I said while we were exiting my car

"Oooo he's hot"

"Oh no honey I saw him first" I said with a sass.... We laughed and walked towards the beach

I couldn't stop thinking about Mr. Nice ass...boy was he hot.....

"Earth to Brett"

"Oh sorry I was-...."

"Lost in thought.... GOD damn it Brett you're still thinking about school aren't you!?" Spazz

"No not even, I was just enjoying the nice views" I said while turning my head, and OH to my surprise there he was running out of the water with his board under his arm, god look at the water glistening off his abs, god I couldn't get the dirty thoughts of his abs out of my head. He had 8 of them and that hot V thing that lead to the promise land... I wonder how big it was.

"Omg Leah... Look he's sitting right next to us"

"Then go talk to him silly" she nudged me

"Are you crazy, what makes you think he's gay?" As we're talking about him and watching him he turned and smiled at us "Oh fuck, look away" I sounded like a crazed stalker

"Stop being stupid and go talk to him dumbass"

"No thank you I'm fine right here" I really wanted to talk to him but I was scared

"OH MY GOD Brett don't look now but he's totally walking this way"

Oh no

"We should run, let's run"

"Great idea" she got up and quickly walked away WITH OUT ME!

"LEAH!" .....Oh god what do I do?

'get up and run you idiot'

"Hi"... Too late



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