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Doing as Lauren said, Camila stays away from Mr. Biggs. She again relaxes into her job as a nanny. It also helps that he is increasingly gone more often. A business trip pops up or a sudden emergency at another casino out of state. But she's not complaining. It's actually a relief for her.

With Daisy in school, the new nanny and the body guard lounge around the house waiting. The school isn't exactly in favor of either of them hanging  around. Jauregui said she tried to stay with Daisy last year but was asked to leave. Biggs made it so the little girl did have the protection she needed with the body guards absence. Much to Lauren's discomfort.

"What about this?" Camila walks into Lauren's room holding an ipad.

Lauren sits up in her bed, popping her head up from the book she's reading. "What about what?"

"This costume?" the new nanny flops down beside the body guard, pointing to the screen. With Halloween at the end of the month she's been looking for the perfect costume for Daisy. She scrolls through multiple angels while waiting for her response.

"What is it?"

"Rapunzel. Jeez Lauren brush up on your Disney Princesses."

"Oh yea it looks cool." Lauren lays back down, turning back to her book.

"What's wrong?" Camila ask putting down the ipad.

"Huh? Nothing."

The new nanny goes to reply but a very eager Ally pops into the bedroom.

"Mila it's starting! Hurry!" she smiles wide.

Camila finds a smile growing on her face. "Okay!" she jumps off the bed to join the maid. They fell into a routine of watching daily soap operas together. They bond over the juicy drama the show dishes out.

Once the new nanny is gone, Lauren notices she left behind the ipad. Curiosity takes over and green eyes now scan over the abandoned device. She goes through the numerous pictures she has on there. Most being pictures of quotes and song lyrics. There's some pictures of Camila and Daisy or Camila and Ally. The same green eyes go wide when she sees pictures of herself. It seems Camila takes it upon herself to snap shots of Lauren when she's not looking. 

After debating over deleting the pictures of herself and deciding against it she goes through the girls playlist. She quickly concludes that the new nanny has good taste in music. Finding the games, Lauren continues playing with the ipad. 

"Oh hey that's where I left it!" Camila comes back into the bedroom after her show has ended. She again joins Lauren on the bed.

"Sorry here you go." The body guard quickly apologizes hanging it to her.

"It's fine you can play it."

"No it's not mine, here."

"Shut up Laur you can play it." Camila pushes it back into her hands scooting closer so they are both now sharing one pillow.

Seeing Camila laying so close to her in the reflection of the ipad just before the game starts, Lauren shifts uncomfortably. "What time is it? We should probably get going." she says suddenly forgetting she's about to start a game.

"We still have an hour."

"Oh. Well I have some business to take care of. So here you go." Lauren hands her the ipad then quickly exits the room.

Lauren's sketchy behavior only continues. Week after week if she is ever left alone with Camila, she finds an excuse to leave the room. When the new nanny accidentally lost her footing and stumbled into the body guard, she called the poor girl down and ranted about personal space. 

Daisy (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now