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  • Присвячено Cohl Alecsander Mansen

They ran over and sat on Justin's lap

J: Hey guys

Tanner: What awre you doing hewre

J: Im visiting your beautiful sister, _____.

Tanner&Tyler: Ewwwww

You giggle and Join them on the couch.

Tyler: Sisswy im sooo hungwy

Y; Haha okay i'll make lunch, okay?

Tanner&Tyler: Ogay

you make Tanner, Tyler, And Justin sandwiches and chips.

then you feel hands wrap around your waist

You urn around and See justin

J: You didn't have to make me anything, i could of went somewhere else to eat

Y: No, No. its fine

You give him his plate and you walk into the dining room and give the boys their food. Then you go upstairs and Get makeen and bring her back downstairs to feed her a bottle.

You finish giving her, her bottle and put her in her playpen. You sit down and eat with the boys when you feel a breaze go past you.

Y: Uhmm... i'll be right back

You run upstairs to see what Jason wanted


Its Short, i know... but im at school and i gotta get ready for a date tonight so im busy!

A Ghostly Kind of Love~Justin Bieber&Jason McCann Ghost Love Story~Where stories live. Discover now