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WARNING: This story contains strong language, violence, sexual content/innuendos, suicide, miscarriage, trauma, death, gun use, blood, and more that could potentially trigger emotional distress or discomfort. Please read with caution, and remember, it's ok to take a break, skip a chapter, or this book if needed.

DISCLAIMER: This story was originally written in 2017 (formally titled PD Intelligence Unit). As of March 2024 this story is being edited and re-published, as well as added to.

Each chapter = 1 Episode

Things may not be in time order as they are on the shows Chicago Fire, Chicago Med and Law and Order SVU. Things are slotted in as and when they fit but the main Chicago P.D storyline is in the correct order.

Some of the cases worked on in the story are from my own imagination. Any event, person or name used and happens to be from a real event or person is completely coincidental and I apologise. In particular the first few chapters are introducing the main character, Katie, and is not a case from the show but contains important background into the characters.

Other cases are from the series.

The original story is unedited so please excuse any mistakes made.

The original story is unedited so please excuse any mistakes made

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Crossroads in Chicago - a Chicago PD FanFicDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora