"DO NOT FEAR!" Zayn said whipping his head around looking at Louis then running to his side. "'VAS' HAPPENIN' MAN IS 'ERE" he said in a weird indian.. kinda accent thing.. reaching down helping Louis up. Once back on his feet, Louis cupped Zayns face. 

"OH YOU!" he said. Harry had finally finished hair and makeup and it was time to go on set. 

At that moment, my cheeks burnt from continuously smiling. honestly, i don't know what it is about these boys but that just genuinely make me happy.

I followed the boys out to the wings. the set was simple 5 chairs facing the audience and one chair on an angle to the audience and where i'm guessing the boys would sit. everyone began to hush. i'm guessing it was almost time to go on. i was getting nervous. and i wasn't even going to go on stage! jesus! i guess i was just nervous for them?

"are you nervous?" i whispered to Harry

"kinda, i'm kinda used to it" He whispered back. i smiled and he returned with his perfectly structured one. 

"in 5.. 4" i heard the director say he was probably miming 321 action with his hand. i heard the host introduce them. and they walked on stage in single file. Niall sat next to the host followed by Zayn Harry Louis and Liam. 

"Everyone say Hello to the boys of ONE DIRECTION!" she said motioning her hands to where the boys were sitting as if the audience couldn't see where they were. i rolled my eyes. 

"we aren't one direction" Louis said


"yeah, we're the other direction" Harry said going along with Louis silly joke. The Audience and the host laughed. I listened to the rest of the interview. i heard a lot about how they weren't supposed to go through in the x-factor how Harry chose the name etc etc. 

i zoned out a little looking at my phone. More notifications. Shit. i cussed under my breath. i started bring my nails anxiously waiting for the comments to load my breathing became heavier and deeper. I knew I shouldn't be reading this here but i did anyways. 

'clearly edited'

'stupid bitch'

'you wish buddy!' 

my eyes welled with tears. shit shit shit shit! why, why do they do this to me!? i know i shouldn't care and all but i do! i wish i could be one of those people who didn't care what people thought. but i did. this is what they made me. a wreck. a complete mess! and i couldn't do anything about it, i was just a depressed teen with no idea what a life with friends is like. 

I realised how zoned out i was. my hands were shaking and my lip was quivering. i quickly looked around to see if anyone was watching me. i met two, big, green  concerned eyes. 'are you okay?' Harry mouthed at me. i ferociously blinked back the tears. smiling and giving him the thumbs up. 

"now boys." the host began. Harry's head whipped towards her "lets ask the question all the ladies want to here. who's single and who's happily in love!?" she said 

"HAPPILY INLOVE" Liam and Louis both shouted

"single" Niall said 

"sadly, single. looking for a lady though" Zayn said sending a wink to the audience i heard multiple girls scream. 

"i'm a single pringle" harry said smirking 

"watch out, Niall liked pringles" Louis said making them all giggle. 

"now Harry, this is a surprise to me" She said 

"oh? how?" Harry asked obviously interested. he sat up straight rather than slumped in the chair. 

Tell Me I'm A Screwed Up MessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz