Chapter 1

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(Alex's P.O.V.)

I was woken up from my dream about ravishing a nice piece of dinner from a harsh knock on my front door. I groggily sat up and rubbed my eyes, yawning while doing so. Slowly, I stumbled, half asleep, through the house to the front door. I peeked through the peephole and seen Carlos Ibideous, the leader of the Vampire Hunters. Shit, what did I do wrong this time?

"Hello sir, what brings you here today?" I spoke after opening the door. He gave me a smile that was very obviously forced and looked to be hiding worried glances. He seemed to be fidgeting, constantly trying to fix his black coat (picture of Carlos at the top). Then he scratched at the back of his neck. He isn't usually this awkward.

"Alex... I need to speak with you. It's very urgent and I need you to be calm. May I come in?" He seemed to be avoiding eye contact with me from what I could see through his dark black sunglasses.

"Uh, yeah. Come on in." I said as I stepped aside and let him pass. Afterwords I shut the door behind him and locked it again, not just because I felt like I needed this conversation, wherever it was going, to be private, but also because it was out of habit. We proceeded to the living room, which was right in front of us anyways. We sat across from each other on my black leather couch and lounge chair, which were conveniently placed around the maple wood coffee table. Behind me was a fireplace, as I was sitting in the lounge chair. Behind Carlos was the wall which had two doors evenly spaced apart from each other. The one to the left lead to my bedroom and the one to the right was the bathroom. Connecting with an open bar table to the left of the living room was the kitchen. The living room was where I had all my important talks with Mr. Ibideous, therefore I figured we'd sit here for this one as well.

"I don't know any easy way to tell you this Alex..." He sighed and took off his sunglasses, which was big. He usually kept them on to keep up his stern appearance. He laid them in front of him on the coffee table and rubbed his face with both of his hands. He was definitely stressed. There's something he isn't telling me... "I'm just gonna be blunt. You're gonna be asked to leave the Hunter Association."

"Excuse me?!" I slightly shouted and stood up. He gave me that glare that instantly made me freeze and I sat back down and apologized for my outburst. "Why am I being fired?"

"It's complicated."

"It's complicated?! Are you serious?! I pour my entire life into this organization, blood sweat and tears combined, hell I even use my spare time when I'm not eating or sleeping focusing on this organization and here I am, working harder than anyone aside from yourself getting fired?!"

"I admit, it is a bit unfair--"

"UNFAIR?! I've done nothing but LIVE for this company and this company alone! Pardon my insolence, sir, but as far as I'm concerned, I should have YOUR job with how hard I work! But I know that the hierarchy won't allow that! It's all breeding and other bullshit like that! Your father was the leader, and your father's father and so on. But no, even if a lower level hunter such as myself works his way up from entry level as a poor orphan who had no other place to go doesn't deserve to be the leader even if he works ten times harder than the real leader. Instead he apparently deserves to be fired for reasons, and I quote, 'It's complicated'. What the fuck?!"

"If you would calm down and be quiet, I'll give you an explanation that will assure you the reasoning behind our decision was well founded." I continued to glare at him for a few more seconds, before finally letting myself take a few deep breaths and nod for him to continue. I really need to learn how to keep my mouth shut... I might have just cost me talking my way back into a job...

"Alex... There's going to be a war soon. And with all the fuss the media is going on and on about, we cannot have any suspicion on our team in order to get through the war without unnecessary casualties." I looked up at him again, reading his expression to see if he was lying. He was telling the truth. A war?? Over what? Who's fighting? Why does this cost me a job? Am I suspicious to the media? How? What did I do wrong?

"But sir I--"

"Nothing further. That is literally all I can tell you. I must be going now, I have preparations to attend to. In the meanwhile, you should take some time for yourself and train harder than you ever have in case someone comes after you. Or something.... Here." He tossed a small black business card on the table in front of me after standing up and putting his glasses back on and straightening his jacket out, "Give that number a call. They will be able to help you out with your new predicament. Good day, Alex. Hope to see you soon." And just like that he walked out, without giving me a chance to process or to respond. I glanced back at the table at the card and picked it up and gave it a good once over.

'Black Rabbit' it read. It said it was a night club. Why in the world would he give me a night club's business card after firing me?!

[A/N] So GUESS WHO'S BACK BITCHEZZZZ YEEES IT IS I, YOUR HUMBLE OVERLORD OF WRITING ABILITIES!!! ...........ahem.. no but really it's great to finally get back into the mood to write, holy hell that was one hell of a chapter I just bullshitted my way through XD WOO! Here goes nothing on this sequel! ENJOY!!!

Loving A Vampire Hunter Volume 2; Defiance Of A New GenerationTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon