Chapter 3

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          "You WHAT?!?!"

          I knew this was going to happen. He can't hear any sort of news without freaking the ever loving fuck out. This man was going to be the death of me, I swear.

          "Look, Carlos, Sir, I don't really have much going for me ever since certain....people.... decided to up and fire me for no decent reason, at least none that was explained properly to me. If anyone in their right mind was in my position, they would have gotten your guys' asses for wrongful termination. But you lot aught to be happy I'm not sane." I spoke calmly, or at least attempted to sound calm.

          Carlos sighed. I could hear through the phone he wasn't happy with the situation, but what else was I to do? I gave him a few moments to mull over what I had just told him about me signing a peace treaty with The Black Rabbit. I don't know what else he had expected from me? I mean he was the one who gave me their card and told me to seek these guys out in the first place. What the hell right?

          "Alright fine. So you've bonded with some more vampires. Fun. Now you have to meet up with Marcus? The head honcho of the vamps right? Could you maybe do not only me but also the corporation a big favor while you're there?" Carlos didn't sound like his usual bossy self. Maybe it was because he technically speaking wasn't my boss anymore so he had no need to? Whatever it is, it's very unsettling. I don't like this side of Carlos. As much as I hated being bossed around, it suited the image I always held in my head of him.

          "You really are in no position to ask me favors, Carlos. You fired me, remember?" I spoke, trying so hard to end this call as soon as I could. Last thing I needed was to be on the phone with the head of the Hunter's Association while I was walking into the Vampire Council. That would not bode well..... Or... Would it?

          "I know, I know. But look, here's the thing. If you become all buddy buddy with this guy, you could become a mole for us! If you just hear me out for three seconds--" I hung up on him. This guy seriously wants me to be a mole?? After I had JUST signed a peace treaty with them??? Is he insane? Well I mean he is a little crazy... But that's besides the point!! I do NOT want to get off on the wrong foot with these guys. Despite hating most of their guts, they typically have fairly decent power. I mean look at how hard that evil guy who kidnapped my girl was?

          My girl.... the evil guy... That night was all just a blurr... well that whole week actually. All I can remember is vaguely some guy killing off that evil girl... I believe her name was Devinne? .... Being heartbroken more than I've ever been in my life seeing Alice dead in my arms, I believe from a fatal blow to the chest from the evil guy, and then walking away and burying her with that one guy and I think? And some chick I believe we were also saving at the time. That's all I remember of that night, and then all I remember from the rest of the week was mostly just reuniting with Alice for a brief moment. We shared a wonderful kiss... but the rest is a black memory and hurts like hell if I try to remember it. Funny thing is, ever since that day, my appetite has not been the same. I can still eat like I normally do, but nothing tastes the same to me. I'm always hungry, but I never gain any weight. But I just chalked that up to having depression from grieving. I've also been having these weird urges when I look at strangers. It's similar to lust, but I don't know if that's just because it's been ages since I've slept with anyone. Alice was my last, and it was a very long time ago. We were separated for quite some time there at the end, and me being depressed made me not want anyone but her in my life, therefore I really only ever slept with Alice. And now that she's gone, I don't really want to. But my body is telling me otherwise.

Loving A Vampire Hunter Volume 2; Defiance Of A New GenerationWhere stories live. Discover now