Chapter 1

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Dear reader,

As you may not know, this story takes place during the 1950s. As this is the time period I've chosen to write in, I tried my best  to use the correct slang. I may have butchered it completely, but if you have trouble understanding, there will be a translation of all slang used at the end of the chapter. Also, the image provided is what Emmarie is wearing in this chapter!

Thanks for your patience, and don't forget to tell me what you think by voting and commenting!


 Chapter 1

New York is the city of lights, dreams and love. That's why Emmarie Milliano, a twenty-seven year old household name in the art world had her heart set on it since she got her first paint pallet for her thirteenth birthday. She always said she would be famous one day, creating and selling art all over the country. Back then, her father would choke on his rum from laughing at that statement. But now, after travelling to eighteen different states and selling her artwork in glamourous art shows, her career choice was nothing to sneeze at. Now, her father was more than supportive. He offered to buy her new art supplies in exchange for helping pay the family mortgage.

Thankfully, she wasn't interested in living at home for the rest of her life. After returning home from an art show hosted in Chicago back in 1954, she used her earnings to buy an RV. She had always wanted one; it was definitely easier to sleep in her own vehicle than spending half of her revenue on the cheapest motels she could find. When she was in Florida in 1953, one of the motels was infested with cockroaches. From then on, she took the family Ford pickup wherever she needed to be. But after over two thousand miles added to the lifeline of the truck within four months, enough was enough. So she bought the RV. It was hers and she could do whatever she wanted with it. And that's exactly what she did.

She backed the RV onto the worn out patch of grass they called a driveway and before she could even get a hug and a kiss from everyone, she was slamming the rickety front door behind her and up in her room scribbling sketches and making a list of things to do in New York city. Before long, there was a knock at the door. Her mother walked in.

"You're not even gonna say hello?" She asked.

"Maybe later. I got a really good idea back in Austin and I've been itching to get it down," Emmarie said.

"Hmm, okay," her mother said. "Dinner's in a little bit. Change out of those clothes before you come down," she said. Everything Emmarie owned had stains.

"Yeah, yeah, see ya," Emmarie said. She continued scribbling in her notebook. It was a rough sketch of a street in New York she saw at the art show she came home from in Louisiana. She was so close to buying the actual piece, but decided to splurge out on an abstract painting for her RV instead. She thought it would look really good on the wall over the pull out couch bed next to her radio. She loved Elvis. In fact, she actually got to meet him in Las Vegas back in 1955. She was in the middle of a game of blackjack when he came in with his entourage. Apparently, he was performing earlier that night and came in to gamble. Emmarie dropped her cards and ran outside, rummaging through her RV for something Elvis could sign for her. The first thing she saw was that radio. And he did sign it, before he left the building.

She drew him in the corner of the page. She painted many portraits of him, always hoping he might pop up at one of the art shows she was at. She was his biggest fan, even though every fan said that. Thinking about him made her forget that she was drawing at all. She was really tired, too. That's why her pencil slipped, leaving a line across the page.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2017 ⏰

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