The bed side table is fallen over, the lights blown out, the lamps broken, the dresser drawers all strewn open. On the bed, Vic's body lay limply once more, his eyes still rolled back and foam coming from his mouth. Despite him being the love of my life, I was scared shitless of him right now.

"O-Oh my god," I stutter, my body quivering in fear but also my heart pounding. I run out of the room, in search of my cell phone. Once I find it on the couch, I quickly dial 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" The operator asks.

"I-I don't know, my boy-boyfriend is unconscious and frothing at the mouth and I saw something in our room and-and whatever it was is a-angry and-" I start hyperventilating, my lungs feeling like they collapsed inside my chest.

"Okay, sir, this seems very unusual but I'll send someone out to..." her voice fades out from me as I look through my teary eyes at the end of the hall way. Vic stood, body stiff and his eyes widen to a degree to where it could chill even the coldest. I drop the phone in surprise, my heart pounding against my rib cage. I back away into the wall once more, watching Vic take a step, his head cocking to the side with a sickening crack.

"Sir? Uh, sir?" I hear the static of the phone murmur from the floor. My body stays frozen though, at the sight before me.

No, this wasn't Vic. Never once did I believe in ghosts or paranormal shit, but I know this isn't him or a prank. This was something evil, something dark to the core, taking over my poor baby's body. I went to move forward, but something of some force was holding my body back. I struggled against it, but my body wouldn't budge. My heart sank further into my stomach as fear took over every ounce of my body.

Vic- no, the thing, held his hand out and next thing I know there was rattling from the kitchen before a knife flew its way into his hand. My eyes widen and I cowered into myself more as he started walking towards me, each step feeling like an hour long.

"V-Vic, baby I know you're there. Please d-don't," I sobbed, the helplessness taking over my own body. He continued walking towards me, and as the light shined from the moon through the curtains, I noticed his eyes were pure white, veins popping out from under his sunken eyes. His fingers twitched around the knife and he came closer.

"No, no, no," I cried, wriggling around trying to free myself from the invisible force, only I was slammed back into the wall, knocking the wind out of me completely.

"I-I love you! Please fight it Vic, f-fuck!" I yelled, squinting my swollen from crying eyes as he was a mere four feet away from me. "I-I know you're in there deep down Victor, I-I'm sorry, please don't. Please please." I pleaded, but nothing would stop him. His free hand found its way to my neck, holding onto me tightly. He pushed me harder against the wall, fingers circling around my throat.

I breathed harder, even though that was a horrible choice on my part because he just squeezed tighter. My hands gripped at his, clawing at his arm.

"N-No," I wheezed out, black dots clouding my vision. The hand gripping the knife raised, and I didn't see or feel anything afterwards because I blacked out.

-seven months later-
(Vic's POV)

I sighed deeply and stared out the barred window. My nurse already stopped by to give me my meds, even though I didn't really need them. I wasn't mentally sick, no, I know what happened. I was possessed by some sort of spirit. I know that for a fact, because when Jaime opened our bedroom door, it entered my body some how, trapping me in the smallest corner in my mind. I was still there, I just had zero control of my own body.

It was the scariest day of my life. Actually, that whole week was. I don't know how it happened, but I started seeing shadows, and it followed me every where and I was too weak to fight it off. I was in this mental facility because they think I was hallucinating. I wasn't, honestly. Even Jaime knows that. He saw the spirit with his own two eyes and I'm so thankful he called the police before it was too late.

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